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Atomic Bombings in Japan

On August 6th and 9th the US dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Should the United States have used the atomic bombs on Japan?
1. Yes I am not Japanese
2. Yes I am Japanese
3. No I am not Japanese
4. No I am Japanese
Assuming the atomic bombs were not used, what should the US have done to ensure the surrender of Japan
Blockade, starve the Japanese, infants and elderly bear the brunt
Invade Japan conventionally, minimal expected casualties 250 thousand American
Let the USSR take over Japan
Let Japan dictate terms
Should the US have conducted a display detonation to convince Japan to surrender?
Considering that the leadership of Japan had every intention of fighting on after Nagasaki until the Emperor forced their hands, is it reasonable to assume that Japan would have surrendered as a result of a glorified fireworks display?
Would Japan be better off under the USSR or the United States?
USSR - I am Japanese
USA - I am Japanese
USSR - I am not Japanese
USA - I am not Japanese
It is said that US President Harry Truman used the atomic bombs on Japan to frighten the USSR. Since the USSR was well aware of the atomic bomb, having agents at Alamagordo and having been told about the bombs at the Yalta summit, does this accusation make sense?
This poll was created on 2007-06-07 17:35:08 by SCE2AUX