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If magic could cure you - which price could you pay?

Imagine I am an Harry Potter, educated in medicine, and I can help you with your health problems. Immediate, easy and pain free. But to add to the story, my author has decided that all medical assistance from magic must come with a cost. You have to sacrifice something, and big magic requires big sacrifice. My question is: Which price are you willing to pay? Just remember: Magic is magic, so you will not be able to cheat.

My dear visitor, please come in and tell me what bothers you, and I will listen eagerly. So, what problem has caused you to contact me, your humble servant, for help?

10% (2) Allergies?
10% (2) Tiredness, lack of energy?
5% (1) Problems to concentrate?
26% (5) Overweight? Underweight?
5% (1) Lack of excercise over the years?
15% (3) Muscular or skeletal problems?
0% (0) Addictions?
15% (3) Depression?
10% (2) Headache or heartache?

19 voters have answered this question.

Oh, my dear, that was a difficult task. I can sooth you, but to cure you I will need to use magic. That is possible, but magic has its price. For the remedy to work and the effect to last, you have to sacrifice something. Are you prepared for that?

47% (9) Yes, this is so important that I will pay whatever is needed.
47% (9) Can I take a look before I make up my mind?
5% (1) No. Social security should pay for this.
0% (0) No. But tell me the name of your author, and I will sure her

19 voters have answered this question.

I will now list the options for you, but what you choose must involve a sacrifice, so some options will not help you. For each of the options you must answer if you find the price acceptable compared to what you get. In the end, you will be asked to make your choice. Do you understand me?

0% (0) No. I came her because I had problems with my concentration.
26% (5) Yes, you explain so well. Doctor, you're a genius
5% (1) I'll answer yes to all. I need help now, at any cost!
10% (2) Does it mean you don't accept my Health insurance?
57% (11) Yes, of course I understand. Don't be so arrogant, Doctor.

19 voters have answered this question.

First possiblity: Would you accept to never ever watch TV any more?

26% (5) Yes, no problems.
21% (4) Could be a possible price.
10% (2) Only if the other options were more difficult.
15% (3) And not being able to see reruns of "Friends"? You must be kidding!
26% (5) No, TV is a too important information channel and waste of time

19 voters have answered this question.

Second possibility: No more alcohol. No wine, no beer, no shaken, not stirred. Could you manage without?

52% (10) I don't drink any alcolhol now, so for me it would not count.
31% (6) I drink very little alcolhol now, so for me it would not count.
5% (1) No, I could never manage without.
0% (0) In fact, this would cure my health problem. Doctor, you're a genius!
10% (2) Yes. I use alcohol regularly today, but could accept this price.
0% (0) Possibly, I have to see the other options.

19 voters have answered this question.

Third possibility: Never drive a car, or any motorised vehicle, any more.

15% (3) I don't drive, and don't plan to, so for me this does not apply.
31% (6) No, I would be helpless without
0% (0) No, without a car I would not be a man
21% (4) Yes, I would accept that.
31% (6) This was a hard one, I will have see the others first

19 voters have answered this question.

Fourth possibility: No more mobile phones , no other phones and no more Internet.

5% (1) I don't use them today, so for me this option does not apply.
68% (13) No. Just no! No, no, no. NO!!!!! Stone age is gone, and so it should be.
0% (0) Yes. In fact I think this would solve my problems. Doctor you're a genius!
5% (1) Yes. It's a tough one, but I think I'll go for it.
21% (4) Well, I have to see the other options first.

19 voters have answered this question.

Fifth possibility: If you are a woman: Never wear pants any more, that means always wearing skirts or dresses.

72% (13) I am a man, so for me this option does not apply.
5% (1) Yes! This would be a nice option, and my man would agree, I guess.
11% (2) Yes. Difficult, but acceptable
0% (0) No. And don't you ask me that question again!
11% (2) Possibly payable. Must see the other options first.
0% (0) No, but I could do the oppsite. To never wear skirts or dresses any more is OK
0% (0) I am a man, and I could accept to always wear dress shirts with tie.

18 voters have answered this question.

Sixth possibility: Never ever use a credit card or any other paying card.

31% (6) I cannot use a credit card now, so this does not apply for me.
26% (5) Yes. You look so surprised about my answer?
26% (5) Difficult. Have to see if all the others are worse
5% (1) No, of course not. I'm a woman!
10% (2) No, of course not. I'm a man!

19 voters have answered this question.

Seventh possibility: Early to bed, early rise. You will always be in bed at 10 o'clock in the evening, and you will always get up early.

5% (1) Yes. That will solve all my health problems. You're a genius, Doctor.
38% (7) No. I have a social life, and I want to keep it.
38% (7) Does not sound too bad. But absolutely no exceptions? Need to think about it.
5% (1) Yes.
11% (2) Possibly, If I am allowed to record TV programs and watch them the next day.

18 voters have answered this question.

So, my dear. You have now seen how you can pay for the cure. I will first ask you: Which sacrifices would you possibly consider to accept? (Don't tick options that don't apply for you)

44% (8) Never watch TV any more
72% (13) Never ever drink alcohol any more
38% (7) Never ever drive a motor vehicle
11% (2) Never use mobile phones nor Internet
22% (4) If you're a woman: Never pants, always skirts/dresses
55% (10) Never use a credit card
44% (8) Early to bed early rise

18 voters have answered this question.

Now choose the option you find the worst, the sacrifice you would find most difficult to accept.

31% (6) Never watch TV any more
0% (0) Never ever drink alcohol any more
5% (1) Never ever drive a motor vehicle
52% (10) Never use mobile phones nor Internet
5% (1) If you're a woman: Never pants, always skirts/dresses
5% (1) Never use a credit card
0% (0) Early to bed early rise

19 voters have answered this question.

That was the easy part. Now you must tell me which option you prefer, which of the prices it would be the easiest for you to pay. Don't select any option that does not apply for you.

5% (1) Never watch TV any more
15% (3) Never ever drink alcohol any more
10% (2) Never ever drive a motor vehicle
0% (0) Never use mobile phones nor Internet
15% (3) Never pants, always skirts/dresses
31% (6) Never use a credit card
21% (4) Early to bed early rise

19 voters have answered this question.

It may happen that magic will not work for the price you are willing to pay. I must therefore ask you to pick one more option as your second choice.

5% (1) Never watch TV any more
31% (6) Never ever drink alcohol any more
5% (1) Never ever drive a motor vehicle
5% (1) Never use mobile phones nor Internet
5% (1) If you're a woman: Never pants, always skirts/dresses
21% (4) Never use a credit card
26% (5) Early to bed early rise

19 voters have answered this question.

You have now chosen what you want to be cured for, and you have decided what you are most willing to sacrifice to achieve the cure. Now compare the advantage of the cure with the cost of the sacrifice. Are you still ready for the magic? If so, select the option you go for. Just remember that magic is magic, so you will not be able to cheat. If you found out that all options were too difficult, and decided not to go for the deal, select one of three last responses. Good luck! Your life may change irreversibly when you push the button...

5% (1) Never watch TV any more
21% (4) Never ever drink alcohol any more
10% (2) Never ever drive a motor vehicle
0% (0) Never use mobile phones nor Internet
5% (1) If you're a woman: Never pants, always skirts/dresses
15% (3) Never use a credit card
10% (2) Early to bed early rise
15% (3) I have to think about it, they all sound quite difficult
5% (1) No, any of these would be too much to sacrifice
10% (2) I could possibly try, but I only if I had the chance to undo the deal later.

19 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel now? Are you cured?

10% (2) Eh... Nothing. I chickened out on the last question
36% (7) Nothing, the cure seems to be delayed. Can be a timezone problem
5% (1) I feel tickling in my limbs. I think something is happening.
5% (1) I am cured, I am cured, I am cured!!! But where is my...
0% (0) Oh, no! This is terrible. Can I undo the deal?
15% (3) What do you mean? I thought this was just a poll? Imagine, it says! Look! Here!
10% (2) Was it just a poll? I feel cheated!
15% (3) The poll released my own magic power, so now I am cured and pay no price.

19 voters have answered this question.

How did you find this poll?

10% (2) I took it for real. Can I choose to believe in it?
36% (7) No magic here.
15% (3) The idea is brilliant, I'll write the book
10% (2) Which stupid made this stupid poll. Heal him and let him pay all 10
0% (0) I laughed so much that I was not able to hit this button, and got the one below
0% (0) Boring, I could do better myself. I could even be more boring.
0% (0) I hate you!
5% (1) I hate polls, in particular I hate this question, and this response sucks.
21% (4) I pay the health insurence, you cure me. Now, stop this nonsense!

19 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-03-28 06:08:01 by Cuebit
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