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What do you think about this girl? (Guys only)

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So, this is a girl I like & I am asking for your opinion. 5 is highest score, 1 is lowest.

First of all, you are a:

93% (28) Male
6% (2) Female (please check results only!)

30 voters have answered this question.

Her hair is dark brown.

0% (0) 1
6% (2) 2
19% (6) 3
35% (11) 4
38% (12) 5

31 voters have answered this question.

Has big eyes. Her eye colour is an olive-like shade of green.

3% (1) 1
12% (4) 2
25% (8) 3
32% (10) 4
25% (8) 5

31 voters have answered this question.

Average height, about 5,7 feet.

0% (0) 1
9% (3) 2
35% (11) 3
35% (11) 4
19% (6) 5

31 voters have answered this question.

She weighs about 124 pounds.

6% (2) 1
0% (0) 2
48% (15) 3
22% (7) 4
22% (7) 5

31 voters have answered this question.

Is a bit shy, but enjoys hanging out with her friends.

0% (0) 1
3% (1) 2
16% (5) 3
35% (11) 4
45% (14) 5

31 voters have answered this question.

Has a sweet personality and she cares about those around her.

0% (0) 1
3% (1) 2
10% (3) 3
20% (6) 4
66% (20) 5

30 voters have answered this question.

She is well educated and comes from a good family.

6% (2) 1
3% (1) 2
9% (3) 3
22% (7) 4
58% (18) 5

31 voters have answered this question.

She is a good student, in fact she had the best grades in her high school class.

9% (3) 1
6% (2) 2
16% (5) 3
25% (8) 4
41% (13) 5

31 voters have answered this question.

She likes maths & informatics.

6% (2) 1
6% (2) 2
20% (6) 3
27% (8) 4
37% (11) 5

29 voters have answered this question.

Is familiar with many TV shows. :)

10% (3) 1
6% (2) 2
23% (7) 3
20% (6) 4
40% (12) 5

30 voters have answered this question.

Likes to play sports, especially volley ball.

9% (3) 1
6% (2) 2
12% (4) 3
38% (12) 4
32% (10) 5

31 voters have answered this question.

She wants to become a doctor.

3% (1) 1
13% (4) 2
36% (11) 3
10% (3) 4
36% (11) 5

30 voters have answered this question.

Overall impression. Would you try to date this girl?

38% (12) Yeah, definitely!
41% (13) Mostly, yes.
19% (6) Not sure...
0% (0) Not really.
0% (0) Who, me?!

31 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-07-22 15:38:13 by snickersfan15
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