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Women's views on sexism

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We all know that we don't have to deal with as much sexism as our mother's did. still, it is out there, all around us. This poll for women asks where it is most rampant and what we would like to do to make some changes.

Where do think sexism is most rampant today?

48% (20) The media
19% (8) In the workplace
9% (4) In the home
12% (5) At school
9% (4) I never noticed any sexism

41 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that sexism is a problem in todays society?

58% (24) Yes, definately
24% (10) Yes, somewhat
4% (2) Maybe
9% (4) No, I don't see it as a problem
2% (1) I don't know

41 voters have answered this question.

Which one of these things would you like to see changed for women?

36% (15) Equal work for equal pay.
7% (3) Child care in the workplace.
31% (13) TV showing women respectfully.
4% (2) An ability to take up for ourselves
19% (8) Other

41 voters have answered this question.

Are you satisfied with the two options women have of controlling their menstrual flow?

41% (17) Yes! Tampons and pads are fine
41% (17) No! I want more options!
17% (7) Who cares?

41 voters have answered this question.

All in all, are you happy to be a woman?

56% (23) Yes! Women rock!!!
21% (9) Yes,women have it just as good
9% (4) No, men have it better.
12% (5) I don't know.

41 voters have answered this question.

What is your age group?

42% (18) 13-18
28% (12) 19-25
19% (8) 26-35
9% (4) 36-45
0% (0) 45+

42 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-07-14 06:14:06 by judgetinkle
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