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Criminal trials

There are constantly people being fasely imprisoned for crimes they did not commit or for crimes that never happened.When that person can prove there were serious flaws with the prosecution and the deal should they get a new trial.
When faced with a miscarriages of justice what action should we take
a) None the victims of crime will be happy someone is punished
b) undermine the justice system and create a criminal underworld
c) None as this will then prove we as a society are determined to punish crime
d) It should be kept a secret and never come before the courts
e) There should be a guranteed new trial
2) If a witness has lied in police statement and this resulted in a prosecution what remedy could we make
(a)We should charge the dishonest and malicious witness and punish
b) Be careful not to discourage people from helping police and let the witness off
(c) Give the accused a new trial automatically
Give the accused a new trial only if there other newly discovered evidence
(e) Beat up the witness because the accused could have been guilty and will now walk free
(f) Let the accused get revenge on the witness that lied
(g) Punish the witness that lied
3.If you were a witness that made a false police statement and caused a miscarriage of justice would you
a) Return to the police station and clear up the mistake
b) Write to the DPP and confess that you lied
c) Go to the times newspaper and confess to the media
d) Tell the accused's solicitor so that the person could get a new trial
e) Tell the accused's that your sorry you lied but thats life and you wont help them
(f)shoot the accused so that they wont hurt you or your family when they look for vindication
(g) Explain yourself to the accused and get them a hot date
4)If you have a conviction and its wrecking your life and your innocent how far should you go to get your life back
a) Put all your energy and money into getting an appeal
b) Break the law if neccessary to get revenge for the bad people that caused the miscarriage
c) Put all your energy and money into an appeal and still get revenge by punishing the bad people
d) really try to get your appeal and bend the rules and threaten and hurt anyone who gets in your way
e) Use the EU/US protocol that guarentees a fair trial if you were denied one due to dishonesty and other
5) If you were in jail and were innocent and you knew there was evidence that could get you freed u would
a) Forget about it and serve you time and look forward to the halfway house
b) Wait until you get out of jail and then clear your name even if you have to break the law
c) Break the law if neccessary to prove you are innocent
d) Get legal aid and risk losing your only shot at justice or wait until your free to hire experts
e) Get a lend of some money hire experts and good lawyers even if your wife has to mortgage the house
This poll was created on 2007-09-10 02:16:58 by blanchedsoldier