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Should urinals be removed from public men's restrooms?

There was a poll made already about this subject but it was grossly biased. Here is a simular poll with an approach to have respect for others. Please read the following story before taking this poll. From Townhall.com -- Young women in Sweden, Germany and Australia have a new cause: They want men to sit down while urinating. This demand comes partly from concerns about hygiene -- avoiding the splash factor -- but, as Jasper Gerard reports in the English magazine The Spectator, ''more crucially because a man standing up to urinate is deemed to be triumphing in his masculinity, and by extension, degrading women.'' One argument is that if women can't do it, then men shouldn't either. Another is that standing upright while relieving oneself is ''a nasty macho gesture,'' suggestive of male violence. A feminist group at Stockholm University is campaigning to ban all urinals from campus, and one Swedish elementary school has already removed them. Some Swedish women are pressuring their men to take a stand, so to speak. Yola, a 25-year-old Swedish trainee psychiatrist, says she dumps boyfriends who insist on standing. ''What else can I do?,'' said her new boyfriend, Ingvar, who sits.
Should the Tax Payers use hundreds of millions of dollars of their money to remove all urinals from men's public restrooms?
Do you agree with this statement, "a man standing up to urinate is deemed to be triumphing in his masculinity, and by extension, degrading women."
Yes, a man urinating in a urinal degrades women
No, a urinal is not a woman, comparison is absurd
According to the story it reads that, "if women can't do it, then men shouldn't either." Do you believe this to be true?
Yes, men can't use tampons neither should women
No, gender differences require different needs
"Yola, a 25-year-old Swedish trainee psychiatrist, says she dumps boyfriends who insist on standing." (while urinating). -Do you believe Yola was unfair to dump her boyfriend because he uses urinals?
Yes, she was unfair and is socially defunct
No, its good to be critical of someone's needs
"concerns about hygiene -- avoiding the splash factor" -Could this be resolved with a slash guard?
"They want men to sit down while urinating." -Do you believe the Government should have any control over how you decide to urinate?
Yes, Urinating should be Government regulated
No, It would violate our civil rights
Should women be forced to stand up while urinating?
Yes, women sitting down is degrading to men
No, we have human rights and human dignity
Do you believe it is any concern of feminists as to how men use a restroom?
No, men have privacy rights just as women do
Feminists not wanting men to use urinals are...
Jelous that they can't stand without making mess
Are anti-male bigots
Do not respect the civil rights of others
Ignoring real issues (anti-woman rap videos)
Have nothing else to complain about
Did you know we are at war?
This poll was created on 2007-05-09 04:28:43 by E.V.