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Girls & cars/bikes

For girls only! Am I one of the few girls who knows more about a car/bike than how 2 fill the tank?
You are female.. How old r u?
Which of these have u ever done on a car or bike or scooter
Fill the tank
Check the oil
Check tyres
Change puncture
Push start (bump start)
R u
Vehicle owner
Main user of vehicle
User but not main user
If u said yes to push start, have u done this: -
Once & never again
Once & would do it again
More than once
Its the only way 2 start this old heap!
Who told u how 2 do it?
No one, just tried it & it worked
Male friend/relative
Female friend/relative
Did u
Do it on a hill, so didn't need pushing
Had male(s) to push
Had female(s) to push
Had both male/female pushers
Did it all myself!
Did u push start because: -
Starter bust
Battery flat
Stalled it/flooded it
The damn thing wouldn't go!
I felt like it
This poll was created on 2002-07-22 00:43:39 by Toni Tickbox