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Unit Balance Pool C&C3

You have here a poll which able you to vote about unit balance.

Avatar is main Nod Meat-Shield unit . After Patch it's buff'ed . What do you think about buff of Avatar :

83% (5) The buff was need, its now okay as wtfpwning unit.
0% (0) Its okay but his armor buff wasn't need
16% (1) Avatar should be nerf a little and not able to win dual with Railguned Mammoth 27

6 voters have answered this question.

Mammoth 27 has missle pods, do you think :

16% (1) Mammoth 27 missle pods dont need any better rate of fire or damage.
33% (2) Mammoth 27 should have better damage with missles
50% (3) Mammoth 27 need better rate of fire for missle pods

6 voters have answered this question.

Scrin late game and nod has a disadvantages against GDI. Also GDI late game has disadvantages agaisnt scrin and Nod , what kind of change would you like to see?

0% (0) Scrin - Disintegrator and buzzers speed buff a bit, seeker + 10 % damage against vechicles Nod - Scorpion tank increse power by 15%, raider buggy power incresed vs infantry by 20% Late game GDI - Mammoth armor increse by 22% , speed decrese by 8%, Juggernaut less radius scatter. Pitbull damage incresed vs aircraft + 20 %
50% (3) They dont need any buff ! I can spam rocketzz !
50% (3) GDI late game - juggernaut hp increse by 25% (will have double predator health) Mammoth do + 12 % damage increse. Scrin - Desintegratos speed incresed by 15 %. Nod- Avatar health nerfed by 20% , Scorpion tank power buff by 15%

6 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-12-14 10:17:37 by rockshow
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