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Gays Teen Survery

This is a survey for any GLBT teens. Its about how gay teens think about themselves and how they realized they were gay. Again, teenz only! (Any older than 18 will mess up the results).
First off, how old are you?
How do you identify yourself?
Gay (Guy)
Gay/Lesbian (Girl)
Bi (Guy)
Bi (Girl)
Bi-Curious (Guy)
Bi-Curious (Girl)
Gender Confused/Transsexual (Guy)
Gender Confused/Transexual (Girl)
Who are you "out" too?
Extended Family (Cousins, uncles, aunts, etc.)
Co-workers (Also includes any co-workers in volunteering experiences)
Close Friends
Immediate Family (Mom, dad, sister, brother)
When did you first realize you were gay (or other)?
Younger than 10
Still confused
What led you to believe that you were gay (or other)? Select all that apply...
Had a previous girlfriend/boyfriend and/or sexual experiences with the opposite sex that did not you did not find fulffilling
Had a previous sexual experience with the same sex that you found fulfilling
Found a "naughty" gay site that appealled to you
Talked to a gay friend, family member, etc, that helped me realize
Never took an interest in the the opposite sex
Had dreams and/or fantasizes about the same sex
The opposite sex just didn't "mean anything" to you
Something else, not listed here....
How sure are you that you in fact gay. (I'm asking this question because some people that are in their teens believe that they are gay but grow-up and believe they are straight.
I am 100% certain that I am gay
I am quite certain that I am gay
I am certain that I am gay
I'm not sure I'm gay
I don't know
Before realizing you were gay, did have a girlfriend (guys) or boyfriend (girls)?
Yes, I had a previous girlfriend (Guys
Yes, I had a previous boyfriend (Girls)
No, I did not have any of those
Did you realize you were gay during those relationships? Did you break-up the relationship as a result?
Yes I realized I was gay and ended the relationship
Yes, I realzied I was gay- however I did not end the realtionshio
No, I did not realize I was gay during a "straight" relationship
Do you regret being gay? Do you wish you could change?
Yes I regret being gay and wish I could change.
No, I do not regret being gay and do not want to change
Yes, U regret being gay but do not want to change
No, I do not regret being gay but want to change
If you answered that you regret/want to change, please select the reasons why....
Fear of family issuses
Fear of religious/spiritual issuses
Fear of embrassment
Fear of political issuses
Fear of harassment
Fear of friends issuses
Fear of workplace issuses
Fear of humiliation
Since realizing you were gay do you have had a same sex relationship
Yes, currently
Yes, in the past
No, I haven't
Other- please describe
How far have you gone in a gay relationship (NOTE: Does not have to apply to current relationship)
Hug, Hand-holding, Kiss
Light sexual activity
Medium sexual activity
Gone all the way
Have not had any of these
Other- please describe-- KEEP CLEAN!
How do you connect with other gay people?
Social networking sites (Hi5, Myspace, Friendster, Facebook, etc)
Other gay teen related websites (Mogenic, Gay Young corner, gayteens.org, etc.)
Other- please describe
I go to gay support group in my city
At work
At school
Through others I know
I go to gay-club run in my school
When you realized you were gay did you attempt suicide/cutting/ other. NOTE: Please mark "yes" if you did this as a result of being gay or not other probelms.
Yes- both
Yes- suicide
Yes- cutting
Finally- what do others think about you? THEY= everyone including friends, family, etx.
People do not know I'm gay
They do not like the fact I'm gay
They still love me, even though I'm gay
I has thrown/disowned as a result.
People hate me for being gay
This poll was created on 2007-12-17 14:51:14 by Danny_C09