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jennifer Aniston is she pregnant

well the national enquiry has claimed that jennifer aniston is pregnant but do you think it is true and what do you think of this situation
Do you think jennifer aniston is really pregnant or is it just a rumour
its just a rumour this always happens magazines make up stories and sell them
yes i think she really is pregnant this time
i don't know but i will find out in 9 months time wether she has a baby or not
who do you think the father is
vince vaughn
paul sculfor
bradd pitt- she had a fling with him
this new guy that she is allegdly seeing jason lewis
do you think she will be a good mum
If the rumours are true and she is pregnant how do you think she feels.
happy and proud to be pregnant
totally in shock and can't believe its happening to her
scared and worried, she doesn't know what to do
how do you think brad pitt feels about this
he feels gutted he couldn't have hung on that extra 3 years to have kids with her
he feels sorry for her and wants to help her out but only as friends
he doesn't care it don't bother him, he's with angelina now
he still loves her badly and he wants to get back with her and help her out
shocked but ignores it and tries to carry on with his life
how do you think angelina feels
she feels she has the last laugh poor jen knocked up with no one, jennifer gonna have to go through it all alone but angelina got brad
she secretly feels really bad for jen
she don't care its not her problem
she is annoyed that jennifer is pregnant because for some reason she never wanted her to have kids
she is scared brad will leave her and go back to jen to help her if there is a baby
if jen is pregnant how do you feel about this
congratulations to her she deserves baby
about time she isn't gettin any younger
i feel bad for her because she hasn't got anyone to go through it with
she's not fit to be a mum how can she have a baby
if jen is pregnant how do you feel about this
congratulations to her she deserves baby
about time she isn't gettin any younger
i feel bad for her because she hasn't got anyone to go through it with
she's not fit to be a mum how can she have a baby
ok so if jennifer is really pregnant who should she raise the baby with
she should raise it with vince vaughn
she should raise it with paul sculfor
she should raise it to jason lewis
she should go back it brad and raise it with him
she should raise it by herself she don't need men like that in her life
she should give the baby away
how do you think having a baby will change jens life
she will stop acting to raise the child
she will try and make a mense with brad pitt
she may giving some of her habits e.g. smoking drinking
it won't change her
say if jen is pregnant, did she want this to happen
yes its a publicity stunt
this is all just her plan to win brad back
yes she wanted kids and now she's happy she may be getting one
no it was an honest accident that could not be helped
she was drunk when it happened
whoever the father is will he help her out with the baby
yes she is a great woman most men would kil to be with her
it depends on how she feels about it
no they might offer but she will refuse and do it on her own
no the father will just leave her to do it by herself.
This poll was created on 2007-12-31 13:50:32 by xxNataliexx