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Creationism and Evolution - True or False

Which do you believe is the true theory of origins
Intelligent Design
I don't know
None of the above
Which of the following best describes what you think about creationism
Creationism is the best theory because it explains more observations than any other theory
Creationism is the best theory because the Holy Scriptures say so
Creationism is plausible, but I’m not convinced that it is superior to other theories
Creationism is a load of rubbish
Which of the following best describes what you think about evolution
Evolution is the best theory because it explains more observations than any other theory
Evolution is the best theory because the scientists say so
Evolution is plausible, but I’m not convinced that it is superior to other theories
Evolution is a load of rubbish
Which of the following best describes the theory that you believe is true
The theory I subscribe to is fact, anyone who thinks otherwise is totally wrong
The theory that I subscribe to is quite likely to be correct, but I am open to criticism of it and I am also open to alternatives
I don't know which theory is the best
Which of the following best describes how important it is for you to believe in the correct theory of origins
Very important, it underpins my whole existence
Important, but if my belief was wrong my life would changed very little
Interesting, but it is of no great significance
Totally insignificant
This poll was created on 2008-01-12 05:21:50 by the old wise man