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Am I normal?

Do I see most people like me or different.

On economic issues

30% (8) I think most people agree with me
38% (10) I think there is no majority
30% (8) My views are different than most people

26 voters have answered this question.

I think my sexual views are

28% (8) Shared by most people
32% (9) Different than most people
17% (5) Most people's behavior are different that what they say
21% (6) I think there is no consensus on sexual views.

28 voters have answered this question.

The polls here

50% (13) Reflect acculturatly the views of most people
50% (13) Don't reflect what most people think

26 voters have answered this question.

People on the internet

60% (15) Are a good cross section of opinion
40% (10) They represent opinions that are different than most people.

25 voters have answered this question.

The internet community

0% (0) Is more conservative than the population in general
40% (10) Is more liberal than most people
16% (4) Value freedom than most people
44% (11) Find an outlet of expression they don't have in their "real" lives

25 voters have answered this question.

I wish people were

64% (18) More sexually open
64% (18) Responsible
64% (18) Tolerant
10% (3) Intolerant
25% (7) Be more orderly
3% (1) More Disorderly
21% (6) Stop using underware
28% (8) Modest
39% (11) Mind their own business
42% (12) Be more involved

28 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-01-20 04:00:40 by Enki
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