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Religious Education in Schools

At the school you went to, or are currently attending, did they have religious education classes? Whether they did or not, do you agree with religious education in schools? Would you remove your children from religious lessons if you did not like what they were being taught? And what should they be taught? Just Christianity? Islam? Atheism? Give your opinions here!
1. First of all, where do you live on this lovely blue planet of ours?
A European country, other than Britain
An Asian country
An African country
An Australasian country
A South American country
Somewhere else
2. Did you/do you go to a state (public) school or a private school?
State school
Private school
Other type of school
3. At the school you went to, or are currently attending, did they have religious education classes?
Yes they did
No they didn't
They have similar lessons, e.g. "cultural awareness"
Don't know/can't remember
4. Regardless of whether they did or did not have religious education in your school, do you agree with religious education in schools?
I am strongly in favour
I am somewhat in favour
I am fairly neutral, not particularly bothered either way
I am somewhat opposed
I am strongly opposed
I have no opinion at all on the matter
5. Here in England, we do have religious education in state schools. However, parents have a legal right to remove their children from such lessons, if they don't like what their child is being taught. Obviously they would not have the same right for, let's say, mathematics. Should parents have a legal right to remove their children from religious education classes?
Yes they should have that right
No they should not have that right
I am undecided
I have no opinion on the matter
6. Is it OK to teach children that there are quite a few different religions in the world, and to teach the basic beliefs and structure of the main religions?
Yes, that is reasonable and sensible
No, I would not want my child taught any religion other than my own
No, for other reasons
I'm not sure
No opinion
7. Would you remove your child from religious education classes, if they were being taught about Islam or Buddhism?
Yes, I would remove my child from such lessons.
No, I would not do anything under those circumstances. Children should learn about different religions.
I'm not sure
I don't have children
8. Should children be taught about atheism?
Yes they should
No they should not
They should be taught that it exists, without emphasising it
I'm not sure
No opinion
9. Which religions should children be taught about in school lessons? (Check all that apply). Assume they would be taught just the basic structure, beliefs etc.
Roman Catholicism
Jehovah's Witnesses
Wicca/Pagan/New Age
They should be taught about all of these
They should not be taught about any of these
10. Which religions should children NOT be taught about in school lessons? (Check all that apply)
Roman Catholicism
Jehovah's Witnesses
Wicca/Pagan/New Age
It is OK to teach school children about all these religions
This poll was created on 2008-01-29 17:44:38 by Predator