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Musical Bias

I want to hear your opinions on the workings of a song. There's way too much bias towards old music, if you ask me. Why is it praised, in general...more so than contemporary music (notice I said "in general")? I'm gonna get to the bottom of this logically.
First of all, what MOSTLY (out of the choices given) determines whether material is a "good song"?
Catchiness/tune/chorus/correspondent beats and rhythms
How old the song is
How difficult it is to play the song
Without a doubt, most people listen to and favor old music, as opposed to newer, more contemporary music. Why is this, mostly? Out of the choices given...
It's catchier/has cooler sounding choruses/more knowledge of rhythms and beats
It's simply older...it was around first...therefore better
It's less redundant and repetitive
It's happier and more upbeat
Is it really fair to say that just because something is older and has been around longer, it's "better"?
Yes...it inevitably influences generations to come
No...you can't help the period of time in which you're born.
If you answered yes, then logically speaking...you'd state that the original King Kong film is a better film than Forrest Gump, the Godfather, or Schindler's List. Right?
Which of these 2 songs do you consider catchier...with a better sounding, more entertaining chorus?
"Minority" by Green Day
"Purple Haze" by Hendrix
If you answered Purple Haze, then please explain why in the message area, becuase I can't see how that's possible.
Thank you for taking my poll.
You're welcome.
Shut up, fool.
This poll was created on 2008-02-01 03:46:51 by S.O.A.D.