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Teen girl's opinions on media.

What you (as a teenage girl) think of media and magazines aimed at you.

Please watch the slideshow at the following link: http://www.ellegirl.com/fashion/teen_style/content/party_girl_slideshow/paaaaaaarty__6.html?slideshow How would you feel about wearing these clothes?

25% (5) Great! I'd look good!
5% (1) Uncomfortable.
0% (0) Ok if my friends were wearing it/approved.
50% (10) For the right occasion they'd be ok.
0% (0) May feel embarassed or self-concious.
20% (4) Ridiculous!
0% (0) Wouldn't suit me, I'd look fat or ugly.

20 voters have answered this question.

Refering to the same slideshow as above, could you see yourself modeling for this magazine?

26% (5) yeah, I'd love to!
15% (3) Yes. it would be an interesting experience.
15% (3) Yes, if in something that suited me.
15% (3) I might if it was for a good reason.
5% (1) No. I'd worry what people might think of me.
10% (2) They wouldn't want me.
10% (2) I'd rather die.

19 voters have answered this question.

How often do you read magazines like this one?

15% (3) Once a week.
15% (3) Once every two weeks.
25% (5) Once a month.
15% (3) More than once a year
30% (6) Less than once a year.

20 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

9% (2) I'd rather not say.
4% (1) Under 13
52% (11) 14-15
23% (5) 16-17
9% (2) 18+

21 voters have answered this question.

Please look at these two articles: http://www.sugarmagazine.co.uk/style.php?subsection=feature&feature_id=130 and http://www.sugarmagazine.co.uk/style.php?subsection=feature&feature_id=119 If money was no object would you buy any of these items?

30% (6) All that I liked.
50% (10) Yes...some...but only the ones that suit me.
5% (1) The occasional thing. If my friends liked it.
15% (3) No. I wouldn't look good in any.
0% (0) I don't deserve things like that.

20 voters have answered this question.

What would you change about yourself if you could?

52% (11) Nothing!
14% (3) My face shape/features.
14% (3) My body shape/propotions.
4% (1) My weight.
4% (1) My hair.
9% (2) All of the above.

21 voters have answered this question.

Shopping is:

47% (10) Awesome! I love the thrill of having new things.
38% (8) Sometimes fun.
4% (1) Bearable when I need new things.
0% (0) Awful, it only makes me feel worse about myself.
9% (2) A chore.

21 voters have answered this question.

Please view this slideshow: http://www.ellegirl.com/fashion/teen_style/content/the_couture_closet_slideshow/chanel_haute_couture_spring_2007__1.html?slideshow Do you think any of these models are 'pretty' or 'beautiful'?

25% (5) Yes.
55% (11) Moderatly.
20% (4) No.

20 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-02-06 17:09:30 by Storm8
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