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"What would you do?" Poll

This poll puts you in a situation and you vote on what you would do.
A murderer barges into your house with a dagger. There is a loaded gun behind you. What would you do?
Pick up the gun and shoot him in the foot to stall him. Then call the police.
Pick up the gun and threaten to shoot him if he moves. Keep the gun pointed at him while calling the police.
Pick up the gun incase he comes at me. Then try and convince him that he could have a better life and he does'nt have to go on like this.
Leave the gun and give him the option to kill me if he really thinks that's the right thing to do. But still try and convince him otherwise
Run and hide, taking the gun only so he would'nt use it. Then quietly call the police.
Suppose you are married and your spouse is on a 3 day long business trip. A very attractive memeber of the opposite gender approaches you and begins in in a conversation. You exchange numbers. The next day he/she calls you and asks you on a date. What would you do?
Refuse and explain to her that your already married.
Accept and try and hide your spouse from the other person.
Accept and deal with the consequenses later.
Suppose a powerful entity (genie,alien,fairy etc.) appeared and offered you 5 of the following options and asked for nothing in exchange. What would you choose? (PLEASE CHOOSE A MAXIMUM OF ONLY 5) (also all of these abilities are completely in your control and you can use them as many times as you wish and you can use them anywhere at any time)
The ability to fly
The ability to slow down and even stop time(you also control who and what you affect)
The ability to produce gold out of thin air
The ability to hypnotise anyone easily
The ability to become extremely attractive to anyone you want
The ability to teleport to anywhere on earth
The ability to be immortal
The ability to manipulate the weather
The ability to manipulate plants
The ability to communicate with and command animals
The ability to manipulate anything electronic
The ability to create illusions(become invisible,change your appearance,create mind-boggling magic tricks etc.
What would you do for 10,000,000$?
Eat nothing but cheeseburgers for 2 weeks
Be buried 4 ft down in a cramped box for a whole minute
Live in a nut house and be treated like a nut for 2 months
Fall 15 feet down onto a flat iron surface
Karate chop a poisonous snake
Jump off of The Empire State Building onto a giant trampoline
Fight in a match against a famous wrestler
What would you do if this poll were to end right now?
Wouldnt care
Would finish the poll
Would die
Would cry
Would go insane
Would rejoice
Would walk outside and yell at sombody
Would do something extremely random
Would dance
Would sing
Would dance and sing
Would do something else
Would vote on another poll
Would vote on one of your other polls
This poll was created on 2008-01-13 21:39:23 by Omega Tim