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This poll was created to gather information about experiences related to the ufo phenomena/ Este censo foi criado para juntar informacoes sobre experiencias sobre o fenomeno ufo/ovni

Have you had an experience related to the UFO phenomena? Voce ja teve alguma experiencia com UFOs/OVNIs?

71% (5) Yes, I had once/Sim tive uma vez
14% (1) Yes, I had and still have contact/Sim tive e continuo tendo contato
14% (1) No, but I know about someone who did/Nao mas sei de alguem que teve

7 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following relates to the best of your experiences? Escolha entre as seguintes opcoes qual relaciona com a sua experiencia mais interessante...

57% (4) UFO far away at night/OVNI visto de longe a noite
71% (5) UFO close range at night/OVNI visto de perto a noite
28% (2) UFO far away daytime/OVNI visto de longe durante o dia
14% (1) UFO close range daytime/OVNI visto de perto durante o dia
42% (3) Actual contact with an alien happened...please specify/Contato com aliens aconteceu...explique

7 voters have answered this question.

How you felt after having this experience? Como voce se sentiu depois da experiencia?

28% (2) Seemed like a dream/Parecia com um sonho
57% (4) It was physical and I felt its effects...please specify/Foi algo fisico e senti efeitos fisicamente...explique
14% (1) There was nothing special about it afterwards/Nada de especial depois que aconteceu

7 voters have answered this question.

Have you seem lights or colours during the experience? Voce viu luzes ou cores durante a experiencia?

14% (1) Reflections of the sun/Reflexos do sol
0% (0) Reflections of other lights in it/Reflexos de outras luzes no objeto
42% (3) White or yellow/Branca ou amarela
42% (3) Red or pink/Vermelha ou rosada
28% (2) Blue or green/Azul ou verde
14% (1) Other/Outras

7 voters have answered this question.

If you think you have been abducted or invited.../Se voce pensa que foi sequestrado ou convidado...

60% (3) I remember looking at them...specify/Lembro de estar olhando eles...explique
40% (2) I remember inside the ship...specify/Lembro do interior da nave...explique
40% (2) I remember other details...specify/Lembro de outros detalhes...explique
20% (1) I couldnt remember anything but I did regression hypnosis/Nao lembrava de nada mas fiz hipnose regressiva

5 voters have answered this question.

If you think you know the beings and their origin.../Se voce sabe quem eles sao e de onde vem...

16% (1) Beings of light or spiritual from other dimensions/Seres de luz ou espiritos de outras dimensoes
0% (0) Creatures of another solar system, travelling/Criaturas de outro sistema solar, viajando
0% (0) Aliens described as GREYS/Aliens descritos comumente como GREYS/CINZAS
0% (0) Humanoids of some kind from somewhere out there/Humanoides de algum lugar do universo
0% (0) Animal types from another planet which are sent for studies/Animais enviados de outros planetas para estudos
0% (0) Clones created by some highly developed race/Clones criados por alguma raca muito desenvolvida
33% (2) Just extraterrestrial entities exploring/Simplesmente extraterrestres explorando
0% (0) Another species of mankind from somewhere else/Outra especie de humanidade vindo de outro lugar
0% (0) Other species sharing planet Earth with us/Outra especie compartindo o planeta Terra conosco
50% (3) Other different from above...specify/Outro diferente dos acima...explique

6 voters have answered this question.

Where do you think they are based? Onde voce acha que eles estao usando como base?

0% (0) The dephts of the Earth or under the sea/Nas profundezas da Terra ou no fundo do mar
14% (1) On the moon/Na lua
14% (1) The planets and moons of our solar system..which one?/Nos planetas e luas do nosso sistema solar...qual?
0% (0) On the sun/No sol
42% (3) From another solar system nearby/De algum sistema solar proximo
14% (1) From another galaxy/De outra galaxia
28% (2) At built up stations in space/Em estacoes espaciais
0% (0) A paralel universe not always visible/Num universo paralelo nem sempre visivel
14% (1) Just another planet similar to Earth/De algum planeta parecido com a Terra

7 voters have answered this question.

What change this experience brought to you?/Que mudancas esta experiencia trouxe para voce?

14% (1) A new life, totally different than before/Uma vida nova totalmente diferente de antes
14% (1) Many small changes in my mind/Muitas pequenas mudancas em meus pensamentos
14% (1) Not much but something...what?/Nao muito mas algo mudou...o que?
14% (1) Nothing at all/Absolutamente nada
42% (3) Just a special knowledge/Um conhecimento especial
28% (2) A lot of hassle...why?/Um monte de problemas...porque?

7 voters have answered this question.

Write here your experience and what you believe can relate to other peoples experiences(ie.have other people seen or had similar experiences?), including all the details./ Escreva aqui a sua experiencia e os detalhes que possam ajudar a relacionar com a experiencia de outras pessoas(ex.se voce sabe que outras pessoas viram ou passaram pela mesma experiencia?), assim como detalhes que voce considera importantes.

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7 voters have answered this question.

Here you may leave an email or orkut contact address just in case it turns up interesting to contact you in the future relating to your experience. You are also invited to participate in our communities related to the UFO experiences/Aqui voce pode deixar um email ou orkut para futuro contato sobre a sua experiencia. E tambem aqui voce fica convidado a participar das comunidades que levam o tema UFO a serio. http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=10771261 http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=8137369 http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=5119240 http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=5781447

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1 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-02-23 14:54:01 by 0000000000I
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