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Differances in views between Christians and those who aren't

I am interested in how Christians differ from non-Christians in their views on differant social and political issues. I couldn't decide which category to put the poll in, but I chose Religion.

1) Do you support the war in Iraq?

12% (14) 1) Yes (I'm Christian)
2% (3) 2) Yes (I'm not Christian)
21% (25) 3) No (I'm Christian)
51% (60) 4) No (I'm not Christian)
6% (7) 5) Not sure (I'm Christian)
6% (7) 6) Not sure (I'm not Christian)

116 voters have answered this question.

2) Do you believe that torture is o.k. in certain situations?

8% (10) 1) Yes (I'm Christian)
12% (14) 2) Yes (I'm not Christian)
24% (28) 3) No (I'm Christian)
41% (48) 4) No (I'm not Christian)
6% (7) 5) Not sure (I'm Christian)
7% (9) 6) Not sure (I'm not Christian)

116 voters have answered this question.

3) Do you think it's o.k for the government to wiretap conversations of U.S. citizens without a warrant or court order?

9% (11) 1) Yes (I'm Christian)
2% (3) 2) Yes (I'm Not Christian)
27% (32) 3) No (I'm Christian)
52% (61) 4) No (I'm not Christian)
1% (2) 5) Not sure (I'm Christian)
6% (7) 6) Not sure (I'm not Christian)

116 voters have answered this question.

4) Should everyone have the right to affordable health care even if it means taxes would have to go up?

24% (28) 1) Yes (I'm Christian
41% (48) 2) Yes (I'm not Christian)
9% (11) 3) No (I'm Christian)
13% (16) 4) No (I'm not Christian)
4% (5) 5) Not sure (I'm Christian)
6% (8) 6) Not sure (I'm not Christian)

116 voters have answered this question.

5) Should gay/lesbian people have the right to get married with the same rights and responsibilities as straight couples?

12% (15) 1) Yes (I'm Christian)
49% (57) 2) Yes (I'm not Christian)
24% (28) 3) No (I'm Christian)
7% (9) 4) No (I'm not Christian)
2% (3) 5) Not sure (I'm Christian)
3% (4) 6) Not sure (I'm not Christian)

116 voters have answered this question.

6) Should a woman be allowed to terminate her pregnancy (have an abortion)?

8% (9) 1) Yes (I'm Christian)
45% (51) 2) Yes (I'm not Christian)
25% (28) 3) No (I'm Christian)
8% (9) 4) No (I'm not Christian)
4% (5) 5) Not sure (I'm Christian)
8% (10) 6) Not sure (I'm not Christian)

112 voters have answered this question.

7) Should Marijuana be legal and regulated like alcohol?

14% (17) 1) Yes (I'm Christian)
43% (50) 2) Yes (I'm not a Christian)
18% (21) 3) No (I'm Christian)
13% (16) 4) No (I'm not Christian)
4% (5) 5) Not sure (I'm Christian)
5% (6) 6) Not sure (I'm not Christian)

115 voters have answered this question.

8) Should Prostitution be legal?

8% (10) 1) Yes (I'm Christian)
33% (39) 2) Yes (I'm not Christian)
22% (26) 3) No (I'm Christian)
13% (16) 4) No (I'm not Christian)
6% (8) 5) Not sure (I'm Christian)
13% (16) 6) Not sure (I'm not Christian)

115 voters have answered this question.

9) Are the policies of the Bush administration in line with what Jesus taught as described in the bible? Please humor me and answer the question as worded whether or not you believe in the Bible or if you are a Christian or not.

8% (9) 1) Mostly Yes (I'm Christian)
6% (7) 2) Mostly Yes (I'm not Christian)
22% (25) 3) Mostly No (I'm Christian)
40% (44) 4) Mostly No (I'm not Christian)
6% (7) 5) Not sure (I'm Christian)
16% (18) 6) Not sure (I'm not Christian)

110 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-02-25 04:16:25 by totoro
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