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Spelling and Grammar Online

When I was in middle school, i wuld talk lyk dis on AIM. As a I grew older, I started having more serious discussions with strangers online. As I did this, I gradually adapted to a higher standard of spelling and grammar, mainly because that's how everyone else was writing.

What's your gender?

60% (60) Male
40% (40) Female

100 voters have answered this question.

You are _____ years old.

No graph available for this question

94 voters have answered this question.

Please select all the online services you use on a regular basis.

48% (47) Instant messaging
13% (13) IRC or other online chat room
45% (44) Online forum
53% (52) Emailed conversations with friends
51% (50) Facebook, Myspace, or other social networking site
11% (11) Digg, reddit, or other social news website
45% (44) MisterPoll
35% (34) Youtube comments

97 voters have answered this question.

Please check all that apply.

50% (44) You have different grammatical standards for different online environments. (e.g. you use punctuation in email but not in I.M.)
34% (30) You regularly capitalize acronyms like LOL and BRB.
57% (50) You regularly use emoticons.
41% (36) You regularly leave your sentences uncapitalized.
32% (28) You regularly leave periods off the ends of your sentences.
25% (22) You regularly use chatspeak terms like "ur" for "your" and "gr8" for "great".
19% (17) You regularly distort your words just for fun. ("kewl")

87 voters have answered this question.

What do you think of people whose online communication is sloppier than yours?

3% (3) I respect them for it.
42% (42) They're inferior.
13% (13) Undecided.
42% (42) I don't care.

100 voters have answered this question.

What do you think of people whose online communication follows spelling and grammar better than yours?

61% (63) I respect them for it.
1% (2) They're inferior.
2% (3) Undecided.
33% (34) I don't care.

102 voters have answered this question.

Is it true that Youtube has the worst comments on the Internet?

30% (30) Yes
51% (51) No, I've seen worse
19% (19) huh?

100 voters have answered this question.

Help me improve! What did you think of this poll?

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34 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-03-04 01:46:04 by Remarkably Dark
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