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If you were held at gun point...

Imagine this ,one day u were minding your own buisness in a public place then a hostage situation starts .There are other people there ,and your are held at gun point .All you know is that this person has a gun and is reckless. What would you do?
A person armed with a automatic weapon comes in ,and orders for everyone to go into a corner of the room.What would you do?
Go into the corner ,as ordered
Make a run to the exit (you may get shot)
Resist ,and hold your ground (you may be beaten or shot)
charge the person (which is close to suicide)
The person then shoots a bullet into the air ,the crowd is stunned ,he thens orders for everybody to strip,(to underwear)what would you do?
Strip as ordered
Strip and hide a concealed weapon
Refuse to strip
Charge the person
Then he tells the crowd to lay flat on the ground.You are about 5 meters away from him.
Do whats ordered
Refuse (?)
Charge the person
Soon the SWAT team moves in, he is facing the other way from you and firing at the police(who are charging)What would you do? Most of the crowd stays still.
Stay in position
Charge him
Run away
This poll was created on 2008-03-08 04:09:09 by Dud