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The "Potty Parity" Poll #2

Women today want "potty parity" so they don't have to wait in line for a restroom any longer than a man does. Does lack of potty parity inconvenience just the woman who needs to pee, or what about the other people she is with? Do "potty parity" issues wind up making the men she is with wait just as long as she has to? When someone's stuck in a loo queue, everyone with them, or in their group or party, has to wait too. Answer the following questions about your experiences waiting for someone else stuck in a loo queue, or making others wait for you to use the potty. (Only report on experiences with public restrooms, please.)
Have you ever had to wait for a woman in your party or group who was stuck in a loo queue?
I'm a man, and yes.
I'm a man, and no.
I'm a woman, and yes.
I'm a woman, and no.
Have you ever had to wait for a man in your party or group who was stuck in a loo queue?
I'm a woman, and yes.
I'm a woman, and no.
I'm a man, and yes.
I'm a man, and no.
Have you ever had to make someone else in your group or party wait for you while you were stuck in a loo queue? (Check any that apply.)
(I'm a woman.) No.
Yes. I'm a woman, and a man (or men) I was with had to wait.
Yes, I'm a woman, and a woman (or women) I was with had to wait.
Yes, I'm a woman, and both men and women in a group with me had to wait.
(I'm a man.) No.
Yes. I'm a man, and a woman (or women) I was with had to wait.
Yes, I'm a man, and a man (or men) I was with had to wait.
Yes, I'm a man, and both men and women in a group with me had to wait.
Have you ever refused to stand in line to get in to get into a restroom? (Check any that apply.)
(I'm a woman.) No.
(I'm a woman.) Yes, because I didn't want to make someone else wait for me.
(I'm a woman.) Yes, because I myself was too pressed for time to wait.
(I'm a woman.) Yes, because I decided to just hold it until I found another potty.
(I'm a woman.) Yes, because I went into the men's room instead.
(I'm a woman.) Yes, for some other reason (please specify).
(I'm a man.) No.
(I'm a man.) Yes, because I didn't want to make someone else wait for me.
(I'm a man.) Yes, because I myself was too pressed for time to wait.
(I'm a man.) Yes, because I decided to just hold it until I found another potty.
(I'm a man.) Yes, because I went into the ladies' room instead.
(I'm a man.) Yes, for some other reason (please specify).
This poll was created on 2008-03-12 00:20:57 by dalekhound