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Islam is a great religion

Are u a muslim

14% (20) Yes a strong one
13% (18) Yes not really strong
52% (72) No
20% (28) i hate Islam

138 voters have answered this question.

Is Islam a good religion?

48% (64) Yes the media is fooling you into thinking we are bad.
51% (67) No muslims are bad and suicidal idiots

131 voters have answered this question.

Do you fast at Ramadan [ Muslims question ]

23% (23) Yes always
8% (8) yes sometimes
6% (6) if i can
46% (46) no
17% (17) dont even try to

100 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

1% (2) 1-8
4% (6) 9-12
15% (21) 13-16
32% (44) 17-21
45% (61) 22+

134 voters have answered this question.

where are u from?

50% (67) USA
0% (1) South America
20% (28) Europe
5% (7) Bosnia-Serbia-Croatia-Albania:Mainly the balkans
0% (0) Russia
3% (5) Asia
8% (11) Middle East
2% (4) North Africa
0% (1) South Africa
1% (2) South Eastern Asia
3% (5) Australia
2% (3) Antarctica!

134 voters have answered this question.

Who do you want to win in Iraq?

77% (94) USA
22% (28) Al-Qiada

122 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-03-13 02:58:33 by cod4killer
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