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Derogatory words and the media

A year after Don Imus' slip, has enough been done to change perception of minorities in the media?

47% (8) Nothing has changed, if anything it has gotten worse
41% (7) Some changes have been made, but not enough
5% (1) A year later, the media has been extra careful how minorities are portrayed.
5% (1) I don't know.

17 voters have answered this question.

What do you think about Nas calling his album "Ni**er" even going as far as wearing a shirt with the word in public to advertise his album?

5% (1) I think it is a step in the right direction. It will help educate people on what the word really means
23% (4) I think that he is simply doing it for the press and attention
17% (3) I am not sure how I feel, but if it works more power to him
52% (9) I strongly disagree with him on this. It further sets Black people back and empowers others to use the word.
0% (0) I don't care because people will do what they want to do.

17 voters have answered this question.

Should celebrities apologize for being caught saying derogatory words?

11% (2) Yes, because they are in the spotlight and they should know better
23% (4) Maybe, because celebs are people too and it sometimes just happens
64% (11) No, because most of the time the apology is insincere and done just to keep a job.

17 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel about the number of positive images directed towards minorities in the movies and on TV?

75% (12) I still think we have a long way to go before I feel comfortable with how minorities are viewed in the media.
18% (3) I think that we have come a long way from years ago.
6% (1) I don't see anything wrong with how minorities are shown in the media at all and nothing should change
0% (0) I think progress and change is going along smoothly and I feel somewhat comfortable with what I see in the media.

16 voters have answered this question.

Do you think children are more influenced or less influenced by what they see and hear in the media as opposed to when you were thier age?

75% (12) Kids are definently more influenced. You can see it in what they say, do, and wear
18% (3) Kids are somewhat influenced. I don't see it often but I can tell.
0% (0) I don't think kids are as influenced. It' really difficult to see how they are and if I do, it's rare.
6% (1) I don't see it at all, I think kids now are just the same as they were when I was thier age.

16 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever chastised your kids or even a close friend for doing something considered offensive to a minority?

23% (4) Yes, and they have not repeated it.
70% (12) I did and we had a discussion as to why it was considered offensive.
5% (1) No, because if that was how they felt, I had to respect that and pray that they will learn different one day.

17 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been chastised by someone for doing something considered offensive to minorities.

37% (6) Yes, and I gave a heartfelt apology and did my best not to do it again
37% (6) I thought about it and gave a very valid argument as to why I didn't need to apologize
25% (4) No not at all because if that is how I felt, then they need to respect that.

16 voters have answered this question.

What do you think should be done with TV shows and movies from over 20 years ago that may contain derogatory material?

0% (0) Edit them for content
6% (1) Ban them entriely. They have no place in today's world.
62% (10) Leave them as is.
31% (5) Leave them as is BUT add a warning letting people know about cultural significance of the times.

16 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-03-25 12:26:29 by Questioning Mindz
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