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Content-Free Friday #207

Weekly poll featured at www.touchytranny.com

Are you a geek?

60% (25) Yes
17% (7) No
21% (9) I'm not sure

41 voters have answered this question.

Choose the word closest to the meaning of "geek" as you use it:

0% (0) snob
42% (17) enthusiast
20% (8) social outcast
32% (13) expert
5% (2) sideshow act

40 voters have answered this question.

Do you use the word "geek" with an adjective more often than not? (like "bike geek", "beer geek", "gamer geek")

34% (14) Yes, I specify geek-types more often than not
26% (11) No, I use geek by itself more often than not
26% (11) I'm not sure which I do more often
12% (5) I don't use the word geek

41 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel there is a geek subculture?

62% (25) Yes
20% (8) No
17% (7) I need more options

40 voters have answered this question.

If you call yourself a geek, are you more likely:

8% (3) bragging
16% (6) self-deprecating
37% (14) both equally
37% (14) simply stating fact

37 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-03-28 13:04:24 by dan4th
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