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Digi-TV ;)

In what age bracket do you fall?
15 – 25
26 – 35
36 – 45
Above 45
What is your familys disposable income each month?
Below Rs. 15,000
Rs. 15,000 – Rs. 30,000
Rs. 31,000 – Rs. 50,000
Above Rs. 50,000
How frequently do you use the internet?
Some days of the week
Which form of internet connection do you have?
I do not have an internet connection at home
V-Wireless / GO CDMA / Diallog
Cable Net
How often do you watch TV?
I am an occasional viewer – Depends if I have time
I am a regular viewer – I watch TV everyday
I do not watch TV at all
What is your choice of programs?
Movie channels
Music channels
Islamic channels
I do not watch TV
Sport channels
News channels
Do you face any issues with you current cable services?
Channels are Fuzzy / distubance
Not enough channels
Cable disconnected too frequently
Boring channels
Too costly
No, everything is perfect
Do you want to have parental control on the cable services?
Will you be willing to switch if we provided Cable services, DSL and telephone all in one at a lower cost?
What will be your motivation for buying our product?
Better Customer Services
Lower Cost
Three services in one [Cable, DSL & Telephone]
This poll was created on 2008-04-02 09:59:05 by mariam bokhari