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Dumb Final Fantasy Poll

This poll is devoted to all Final Fantasy games /I have ever played... :)/

Who is your favourite Final Fantasy VII male character? /Note: I've combined Reeve/Cait Sith answers, in hope of getting more votes for Reeve, who is *my* favourite character ;)))/

26% (422) Cloud
4% (79) Red XIII
2% (41) I'm a feminist and I hate men
1% (26) Barret
5% (86) Cid
13% (225) Vincent
23% (386) Sephiroth
3% (58) Reeve/Cait Sith
3% (58) Rufus
5% (84) Reno
0% (13) Rude
0% (9) Tseng
0% (14) Hojo
7% (114) Like 'em all!

1615 voters have answered this question.

Who is your favourite FFVII female character?

36% (575) Tifa
14% (228) Yuffie
28% (459) Aeris
7% (114) Elena
3% (61) Lucrecia
3% (59) Other... /was there any? O.o/
3% (55) Whoops... sure there was. Sorry Scarlett :P
0% (8) And another one. Ifalna?
1% (27) Marlene
0% (10) Elmyra /phew, I think that's all this time/

1596 voters have answered this question.

Ladies first this time! Your favourite FFVIII female character?

21% (333) Quistis
10% (164) Edea
15% (246) Selphie
30% (478) Rinoa
3% (60) Xu
2% (45) Ellone
3% (47) Raine
2% (35) Julia
8% (139) Other

1547 voters have answered this question.

Oh well... time for your favourite male character from FF8.

36% (571) Squall
2% (32) Headmaster Cid
1% (19) Biggs
0% (11) Wedge
16% (263) Zell
15% (243) Seifer
6% (108) Irvine
12% (199) Laguna
2% (35) Kiros
0% (13) Ward
4% (70) Other

1564 voters have answered this question.

Enough of this poll already?

36% (587) Never! Never, never!
21% (342) Not yet, but...
25% (403) I don't really care...
5% (85) I'm running out of patience...

1587 voters have answered this question.

If you could choose the winner of the final Cloud/Sephiroth battle, it would be...

30% (484) Cloud! No one else! Especially Sephiroth!
31% (499) Sephiroth!! How dare you even ask?!
8% (128) I don't care, I just wanted to finish the game.
6% (108) Both would die. Never liked them.
22% (364) They shouldn't fight. I think they should hug each other and leave in peace.

1583 voters have answered this question.

Who should Cloud end up with?

40% (643) Tifa. Childhood friendship is sooo romantic.
23% (381) Aeris, cause I never liked this silicon... never mind.
4% (76) Yuffie ... /nah, you must be joking!/
17% (286) Sephiroth /kinda keen on yaoi aren't we? :) /
6% (103) Vincent /oh well... whatever/
6% (100) Rinoa /who said it *must* be a FF7 character? Not me./

1589 voters have answered this question.

Time for some serious ones... There is a theory that Sephiroth is really Vincent's son, not Hojo's. Do you agree?

31% (487) Are you joking? Of course I don't agree.
31% (494) I think it's possible.
15% (250) Sure. They're pretty similar.
10% (169) What kind of question is that? I have no idea!
10% (164) Arrrgh! I haven't finished FF7 and you gave me $#%#$@!# spoiler! I hate you!

1564 voters have answered this question.

Who's the prettiest among all FF8 women?

22% (350) Quistis
34% (543) Rinoa
8% (127) Selphie
9% (142) Edea
3% (59) Ellone
1% (30) Adel /?/
3% (57) Ultimecia
2% (33) Xu
14% (225) Don't like them at all... yuck.

1566 voters have answered this question.

What was next, what was next... I have all these dumb question written somewhere and I totally forgot where. Time to think, genius... hey, maybe some FF6 stuff. Soo, your favourite male chara?

21% (311) Locke
6% (94) Other
7% (114) Edgar
6% (91) Sabin
3% (54) Cyan
15% (227) Shadow
1% (21) Gau
0% (8) Umaro (?)
18% (267) Mog /hey! I like him, so what?/
2% (36) General Leo
6% (90) Kefka
0% (5) E. Gestahl
0% (7) Strago
1% (22) Siegfried
4% (69) Setzer
1% (17) Gogo

1433 voters have answered this question.

The coooolest GF?

19% (268) Shiva
3% (53) Quezacotl
5% (80) Ifrit
2% (33) Siren
13% (187) Diablos
3% (49) Carbuncle (don't you think he looks like a damn pokemon in FF8?)
2% (33) Doomtrain
3% (42) Cactuar
3% (50) Tonberry
29% (402) Bahamut
6% (85) Eden
1% (14) Pandemona
4% (58) Alexander
1% (26) Brothers

1380 voters have answered this question.

Don't you think I'm a genius, and this page is fantastic, and I have stunning sense of humor, and I am the most blah blah blah...?

32% (458) Yes
5% (77) Yes
8% (119) Yes
6% (86) Yes
46% (652) Yes!

1392 voters have answered this question.

Hehe I knew that thank you for your support. btw, do you think Cid Highwind should...

16% (255) ...quit smoking?
9% (150) ...quit being addicted to the goddamn tea?
5% (82) ...quit swearing?
7% (122) ...quit watching Dukes of Hazzard /fanfics readers know what I'm talking about :
60% (921) ...not quit anything! His bunch of annoying little habits is cool!

1530 voters have answered this question.

Odin or Gilgamesh?

46% (729) Odin!
13% (210) Gilgamesh!
19% (297) Both!
3% (57) None!
17% (268) What...?

1561 voters have answered this question.

Questions like that are getting kinda boring, but, well, your favourite FF6 female?

45% (642) Terra
39% (556) Celes
9% (140) Relm
5% (73) Daryl

1411 voters have answered this question.

Best of Finals?

0% (15) 1
0% (9) 2
0% (9) 3
1% (18) 4/2
1% (16) 5
9% (152) 6/3
49% (773) 7
20% (322) 8
9% (141) 9
1% (18) Mystic Quest
0% (15) Adventure
4% (70) Tactics

1558 voters have answered this question.

The time has come for big, bad guys! Choose your favourite.

68% (1079) Sephiroth
7% (116) Ultimecia
8% (127) Kefka
0% (15) Exdeath
1% (29) Ultros
2% (42) Gilgamesh
1% (31) Golbez
8% (138) Shin-Ra Inc.

1577 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2000-04-13 09:47:58 by kerner
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