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Females Only: Let's Go On Virtual Dates

Hello and welcome. In this poll, you'll have the opportunity to go on several virtual dates to different locations and make decisions about what you'd like to happen. Dates are numbered, but they are not in any particular order. IMPORTANT: You are answering the questions from your own point of view as if you were speaking to me; so, for example, if a question says "How do we sit?" and you answer "I sit on your right," then that means YOU (the poll taker) are sitting on MY (the poll author's) right. Please bear this in mind, be honest in answering, and enjoy.

This poll is for females only. Are you female?

100% (13) Yes, I am female

13 voters have answered this question.

Your race/ethnicity? Please excuse the simple and limited options.

92% (12) White
0% (0) Black
7% (1) Asian
0% (0) Latina
0% (0) Arabic
0% (0) Indian
0% (0) Native American
0% (0) Other

13 voters have answered this question.

Your natural hair color?

7% (1) Black
46% (6) Brown
7% (1) Brunette
38% (5) Blonde
0% (0) Red
0% (0) Other

13 voters have answered this question.

Your height?

0% (0) <4'8" (<142.24 cm)
0% (0) 4'8" (142.24 cm)
7% (1) 4'9" (144.78 cm)
0% (0) 4'10" (147.32 cm)
0% (0) 4'11" (149.86 cm)
7% (1) 5'0" (152.4 cm)
15% (2) 5'1" (154.94 cm)
15% (2) 5'2" (157.48 cm)
7% (1) 5'3" (160.02 cm)
7% (1) 5'4" (162.56 cm)
23% (3) 5'5" (165.1 cm)
15% (2) 5'6" (167.64 cm)
0% (0) 5'7" (170.18 cm)
0% (0) 5'8" (172.72 cm)
0% (0) 5'9" (175.26 cm)
0% (0) 5'10" (177.8 cm)
0% (0) 5'11" (180.34 cm)
0% (0) 6'0" or taller (182.88 cm or taller)

13 voters have answered this question.

Your body type? Select all that apply.

0% (0) Underweight
0% (0) Overweight
30% (4) Skinny
7% (1) Slim
7% (1) Average
53% (7) Athletic
7% (1) Curvy
7% (1) Toned & Muscled
15% (2) Soft & Delicate
0% (0) Other

13 voters have answered this question.

How did we meet each other in order for the date to occur?

53% (7) In person, by chance
15% (2) Online, by chance
7% (1) Online dating app/service
7% (1) Mutual friends arranged it
7% (1) We're coworkers
7% (1) Other

13 voters have answered this question.

How should we meet for the date?

30% (4) I pick you up at your home
7% (1) You pick me up at my home
61% (8) We meet at the location where the date will occur

13 voters have answered this question.

When we first meet and say hello on the date, I compliment you on something. What is it?

7% (1) My hair
15% (2) My clothes
0% (0) My makeup
0% (0) My nails
23% (3) You call me cute
7% (1) You call me pretty
7% (1) You call me beautiful
15% (2) You say that I look great
23% (3) You say that I look hot

13 voters have answered this question.

After I compliment you, what do you do? Select all that apply.

0% (0) Feel shy
0% (0) Feel embarrassed
30% (4) Smile politely
46% (6) Smile happily
38% (5) Blush
23% (3) Hug you
7% (1) Try to be humble
76% (10) Make eye contact
0% (0) Avoid eye contact
61% (8) Compliment you back
7% (1) Make a joke
0% (0) Ignore your compliment

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 1: This date occurs at a movie theater. How do you dress for the date?

7% (1) Conservative (long-sleeve shirt or blouse, sweater, jacket, long pants, boots, etc)
0% (0) Average (t-shirt or nice blouse, jeans or shorts, sneakers or boots, etc)
61% (8) Cute/Feminine (sleeveless top, average skirt, sneakers or sandals or heels, etc)
30% (4) Daring (tight sleeveless top, mini-skirt, open-toed sandals)

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 1: How do I dress for the date?

7% (1) Conservative (long-sleeve shirt, jacket, long pants, sneakers or boots, etc)
76% (10) Average (t-shirt, jeans or shorts, sneakers or boots, etc)
7% (1) Smart (dress shirt, dress pants, dress shoes, etc)
7% (1) Athletic (tight shirt, tight shorts, sneakers, etc)

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 1: When we enter the theater, do we get snacks, candy, or drinks?

30% (4) Yes, I suggest it and expect you to pay for it all
30% (4) Yes, I suggest it and expect us to each pay for our own items
15% (2) Yes, I suggest it and expect to pay for it all myself
15% (2) No, we sneak food and/or drinks inside
7% (1) No, we don't buy any food or drinks

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 1: When we are about to take our seats for the movie, where do you sit?

15% (2) On your left
7% (1) On your right
76% (10) I wait for you to tell me where to sit

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 1: Do you want me to put my arm around you? If so, when?

38% (5) I want it right after we sit down
15% (2) I want it shortly after the movie begins
15% (2) I want it sometime during the movie
30% (4) I don't want it, but I would not complain if you do it
0% (0) I don't want it and would ask you to stop if you tried doing it

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 1: The movie theater isn't very crowded, so the other people around aren't extremely close to us. If we whispered to each other, it probably wouldn't bother them. Would you want to whisper back and forth during the movie?

30% (4) Yes, it's more fun if we whisper and interact with each other a lot
46% (6) Yes, a little, but not enough to distract from the movie or risk being obnoxious towards anyone who might still be able to hear us
15% (2) Not really, except for an occasional small comment here or there
7% (1) No, I would prefer that we stay silent and focus on the movie

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 1: If I put my hand on your leg at some point during the movie, how would you react?

0% (0) I would slap it
0% (0) I would ask you to remove it
15% (2) I would ignore it
38% (5) I would put my hand on top of your hand
46% (6) I would put my hand on your leg, too

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 1: If one or both of us got a snack or drink, would we share?

92% (12) We could share snacks (popcorn, nachos, etc)
61% (8) We could share candy
38% (5) We could share drinks
0% (0) No, we would not share anything
7% (1) We would not have any food or drinks to share

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 2: This date occurs at an amusement park. How do you dress for the date?

0% (0) Conservative (long-sleeve shirt or blouse, sweater, jacket, long pants, boots, etc)
23% (3) Average (t-shirt or nice blouse, jeans or shorts, sneakers or boots, etc)
23% (3) Cute/Feminine (sleeveless top, average skirt, sneakers or sandals or heels, etc)
53% (7) Daring (tight sleeveless top, mini-skirt, open-toed sandals)

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 2: How do I dress for the date?

0% (0) Conservative (long-sleeve shirt, jacket, long pants, sneakers or boots, etc)
38% (5) Average (t-shirt, jeans or shorts, sneakers or boots, etc)
15% (2) Smart (dress shirt, dress pants, dress shoes, etc)
46% (6) Athletic (tight shirt, tight shorts, sneakers, etc)

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 2: What rides or attractions should we do while at the park? Select all that apply.

53% (7) Roller Coaster
38% (5) Merry-Go-Round
69% (9) Water Rides (we'll get wet)
61% (8) Haunted House
61% (8) Animal Shows
61% (8) Ferris Wheel
46% (6) Gondola Ride
53% (7) Bumper Cars
46% (6) Go Karts
61% (8) Prize Games (target shooting, hammer swing, etc)
76% (10) Photo Booth
7% (1) Other

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 2: If we're on certain intense rides such as roller coasters, should we hold hands?

61% (8) All the time
38% (5) Maybe once or twice
0% (0) I would rather not

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 2: If we do slow rides when it's just the two of us, such as the Gondola or Ferris Wheel, what would you like to do? Select all that apply.

15% (2) Sit facing each other on opposite seats
61% (8) Sit side-by-side on the same seat
7% (1) Quietly observe the view and enjoy the ride without talking much
46% (6) Talk casually throughout the ride
76% (10) Cuddle up to each other (we lock arms and I lean on your shoulder)
69% (9) I put my hand on your leg
76% (10) You put your hand on my leg
61% (8) Hold hands
69% (9) Kiss

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 2: Should we visit the various gift shops before we leave the park?

15% (2) Yes, and you should buy me a gift
7% (1) Yes, and I should buy you a gift
7% (1) Yes, and we should buy each other gifts
53% (7) Yes, but we don't have to buy anything and we can just browse for fun
15% (2) No, it's unnecessary

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 3: This date occurs at a nice restaurant, but one with no required or expected dress code. How do you dress for the date?

0% (0) Conservative (long-sleeve shirt or blouse, sweater, jacket, long pants, boots, etc)
7% (1) Average (t-shirt or nice blouse, jeans or shorts, sneakers or boots, etc)
15% (2) Cute/Feminine (sleeveless top, average skirt, sneakers or sandals or heels, etc)
23% (3) Daring (tight sleeveless top, mini-skirt, open-toed sandals)
53% (7) Formal (fancy dress, heels, etc)

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 3: How do I dress for the date?

15% (2) Conservative (long-sleeve shirt, jacket, long pants, sneakers or boots, etc)
7% (1) Average (t-shirt, jeans or shorts, sneakers or boots, etc)
76% (10) Smart/Formal (dress shirt, dress pants, dress shoes, etc)
0% (0) Athletic (tight shirt, tight shorts, sneakers, etc)

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 3: We are given a table with bench/booth seating on each side. Where do you sit?

30% (4) On your opposite side, so that we are facing each other
7% (1) On the same side as you, so we can be right next to each other
61% (8) I wait for you to tell me where to sit

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 3: I order iced tea for myself. What do you order to drink?

38% (5) Water
23% (3) Iced tea
0% (0) Hot tea
0% (0) Coffee
23% (3) Soda
0% (0) Juice
7% (1) Lemonade
7% (1) Other

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 3: How would you like us to order our food?

46% (6) We each order our own meals
53% (7) You order my meal for me
0% (0) We order one larger meal and share it

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 3: How would you expect us to pay for the meal?

53% (7) You would pay for both of us
7% (1) I would pay for both of us
38% (5) We would each pay for our own food and drinks
0% (0) You would pay for my items and I would pay for yours

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 3: If I was expected to pay for your food and drinks, would this affect what you decide to have?

0% (0) Yes, I would have something more expensive on purpose
15% (2) Yes, I would make sure to only have something average in price
53% (7) Yes, I would make sure to only have something cheap in price
30% (4) No, I would not change what I have just because you're paying

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 3: Should we have dessert?

7% (1) Yes, we each get our own
92% (12) Yes, we order a single dessert and share it
0% (0) No, dessert is unnecessary

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 3: The restaurant is crowded and there's people all around us. If we sit on the same side of the table, which of the following would you like to happen? Select all that apply.

69% (9) We cuddle up (we lock arms and I lean on your shoulder)
69% (9) We hold hands
84% (11) You put your hand on my leg
76% (10) I put my hand on your leg
53% (7) We kiss
61% (8) You rub my back
61% (8) You stroke my hair
15% (2) None of the above

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 3: The restaurant is crowded and there's people all around us. If we sit on opposite sides of the table, would you rub my leg with your foot to be flirty?

92% (12) Yes
7% (1) No

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 4: This date occurs at a beach. How do you dress for the date?

0% (0) Normal clothes (shirts, shorts, sandals, etc - no swimsuit)
0% (0) Wetsuit
15% (2) One-piece swimuit
7% (1) Shirt with bikini bottom
61% (8) Bikini
15% (2) Micro Bikini

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 4: How do I dress for the date?

0% (0) Normal clothes (shirt, shorts, sandals, etc - no swimsuit)
0% (0) Wetsuit
23% (3) Shirt and swim trunks
7% (1) Swim trunks
61% (8) Boardshorts/Surfer shorts
7% (1) Speedo

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 4: Do you want to go in the ocean?

46% (6) Yes, even if it's by myself
46% (6) Yes, but only if you go with me
0% (0) No, I would prefer to stay out of the water
7% (1) I would leave it up to you

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 4: Outside of being in the water, what would you like to do with me? Select all that apply.

15% (2) Read a book in the shade
30% (4) Listen to music in the shade
46% (6) Eat together in the shade
30% (4) Sit in the shade and talk with no distractions
53% (7) Listen to music while sunbathing
84% (11) Sunbathe together and talk a bit with no distractions
53% (7) Cuddle together in the shade and talk
61% (8) Cuddle together in the sun and talk
69% (9) Lay down together to get a tan
92% (12) Walk along the shore together

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 4: If we were walking along the shore and I suddenly picked you up off your feet and carried you, how would you react?

76% (10) I would like it
23% (3) I would feel embarrassed but be okay with it
0% (0) I would dislike it and ask you to put me back down

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 4: Would you want me to apply sunscreen to you?

76% (10) Yes, I want you to put it on me everywhere I need it
15% (2) Yes, I want you to put it on the spots that are hard for me to reach, like on my back
7% (1) No, I will put on my own sunscreen
0% (0) No, I won't use any sunscreen

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 4: If the beach offered a place to shower, would you want to use it before we leave?

76% (10) Yes, we can use it together
15% (2) Yes, I'll use it by myself
7% (1) No, I would not bother and just wait until I get home later to wash up

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 5: This date occurs on a nature trail. How do you dress for the date?

7% (1) Conservative (long-sleeve shirt, jacket, long pants, sneakers or boots, etc)
23% (3) Average (t-shirt or nice blouse, jeans or shorts, sneakers or boots, etc)
30% (4) Cute/Feminine (sleeveless top, average skirt, sneakers or sandals or heels, etc)
38% (5) Daring (tight sleeveless top, mini-skirt, open-toed sandals)

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 5: How do I dress for the date?

7% (1) Conservative (long-sleeve shirt, jacket, long pants, sneakers or boots, etc)
30% (4) Average (t-shirt, jeans or shorts, sneakers or boots, etc)
0% (0) Smart (dress shirt, dress pants, dress shoes, etc)
61% (8) Athletic (tight shirt, tight shorts, sneakers, etc)

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 5: Do we hold hands for our walk on the trail?

69% (9) Yes, almost the whole time
30% (4) Some of the time
0% (0) Maybe just for a little while
0% (0) No, not at all

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 5: Do we stop and take pictures?

15% (2) Yes, lots of them, mostly focused on the interesting things we see
46% (6) Yes, lots of them, mostly focused on us
15% (2) Yes, a few, mostly focused on the interesting things we see
23% (3) Yes, a few, mostly focused on us
0% (0) No, we don't bother with pictures

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 5: The trail is quiet and there aren't other people around, so it's just us. Do we talk a lot?

84% (11) Yes, we chat for most of the walk
15% (2) We talk some, but we spend almost an equal amount of time just observing our surroundings
0% (0) We talk a little, but mostly we just walk quietly and enjoy each other's company

13 voters have answered this question.

Date 5: Since the trail is quiet and calm, I might stop at some point to share a romantic moment with you. Would you like that?

61% (8) Yes, you can find a nice place and stop to kiss me
38% (5) Yes, you can find a nice place and stop so we can hold each other close
0% (0) No, I would prefer for any kissing or hugging to only occur when the date is finished
0% (0) No, I would not want to kiss or hug at all

13 voters have answered this question.

At the end of our date in any of the above locations, how should we say goodbye? Select all that apply.

7% (1) Wave
0% (0) Shake hands
61% (8) Hug
100% (13) Kiss

13 voters have answered this question.

You may not be comfortable doing things like kissing on the first date. How many good dates would we go on before you want to kiss?

69% (9) 1
7% (1) 2
15% (2) 3
7% (1) 4
0% (0) 5
0% (0) 6+
0% (0) I would never want to kiss while we're dating

13 voters have answered this question.

OPTIONAL: Please describe your general attitude about dating. Do you take it seriously or are you fairly casual about who you date? Should the main purpose of dating be to have fun or to look for a future spouse? Share your feelings on the subject here.

No graph available for this question

8 voters have answered this question.

OPTIONAL: Please share the main qualities and attributes you would want in a boy/man you're dating. How important are things such as his religion, personality, income, appearance, body type, etc?

No graph available for this question

8 voters have answered this question.

OPTIONAL: Please share what you believe are your best and most attractive qualities. Why do you think a boy/man should want to date you? Why would you be a good girlfriend (or, eventually, a good wife)?

No graph available for this question

8 voters have answered this question.

Thank you for taking the poll! Please visit the message forum to share any thoughts, comments, or feedback you have. For another poll about dates, please visit here: https://www.misterpoll.com/polls/654235

100% (12) I have completed the poll

12 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2022-09-01 02:14:45 by Mr.Allan
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