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guys as human punching bags

guys who don't fight back or are held in a helpless state and unable to fight back or defend themselves, others refuse because they fear they may injure someone or fighting is against their beliefs so they willfully allow someone to pummel them with punches and kicks, a few refuse to fight back because someone made them promise to never fight and they refuse to break their word.
Are you a guy that has been in a situation where you didn't defend yourself or couldn't defend yourself?
Yes, my arms were held and I was unable to defend myself
Yes, I made a promise to someone that I would never fight so I chose not to defend myself
Yes, but only because I firearm or knife was held against me or another person thus it was better that I take a beating and offer no resistance
Yes, but only because my opponent had certain harmful information or evidence about me and I agreed he could beat me and in return he would not use the harmful material against me or those associated with me.
Yes, but only because I was seriously ill and unable to defend myself
Yes, although at first I did attempt to defend myself but I was never taught how to fight and my opponent quickly rendered me helpless.
Yes, it is against my personal beliefs to fight so I chose not to defend myself
Yes, I was out-numbered so I shortened the ordeal by not trying to fight a fight I knew I couldn't win.
Yes, but only because I was physically exhausted and unable to help myself
Yes, I was simply too afraid to try so I let the other person (s) beat on me
Yes, but only because my opponent and I agreed that I would allow him to beat me and in return he'd not harm a certain other person
Yes, but only because I was unconscious and alone and thus utterly helpless and defenseless
Yes, but only because I was too drunk to fight
If you took a beating at will, do you feel you made the right choice?
Yes, I endured the physical beating and maintained my promise, belief, or agreement and my life is intact.
No, if I could do it again I'd fight
No, although fear prevented me from fighting I wish I had
If you were in a situation where for some reason or another you weren't allowed to defend yourself, is there any particular place you would ask for the beating to be centered?
Yes, my stomach
Yes, my arms, shoulders
Yes, my ribs
Yes, my back, shoulders
Yes, my chest
Yes, my under-belly
Yes, my skull
A street gang mistakes your closest friend for the leader of an adversary gang and has the two of you cornered in a remote location. While the gang holds an informal celebration and discussion as to what method to use to dispose of you and your closest friend the 3 men assigned to guard you pull you aside with the following offer: Allow each of us 20 strikes at your under-belly (belly button) and we'll allow you to escape. Do you accept the offer and allow them to beat you?
No, why should I be punished just for being acquainted with a look-a-like thug?
Yes, though it sounds of deceit I'll take the beating and expect the thugs to keep their word and I'm likely to have a beating before I'm out of this situation anyway.
Yes, but I instruct my friend to make a break for it just as soon as my beating begins
No, it's a remote location and our chances of escape are minimal as is and if I'm beaten and unable to walk we have no chance at all
No, they will beat me then beat my friend then inform the others that we attempted an escape.
Yes, though it will be painful I know my friend will assist me once my beating is concluded.
If you've made a promise to never fight or if your participating in a fight is against your belief, have you ever befriended a man larger and stronger than you in the hopes that he would defend you?
Yes, I've swallowed my pride and allowed someone not bound by the same promise or belief as I do my fighting for me
No, I would not want to risk a friend being injured
Have you ever been held by someone so strong or by so many in number that you gave up without really trying to break free?
No, I always try
Yes, sometimes all you can do is take the punches and kicks and hope they show some mercy
You promised all of your grandparents that you would never fight regardless of the situation; you're walking your 3 younger brothers home from school when 9 street thugs stop you, seize you by your arms and neck, take your money, seize one of your brothers, then begin to punch you. what of the following actions do you take?
I ask the thugs to please allow my little brothers to exit the area before they do as they please to me
I break my promise and try to fight back even though I know I'll not win due to sheer numbers.
I remain silent and allow them to beat me in front of my little brothers
I beg the thugs not to hurt my brothers or myself
I flee in hopes they will release my brother and pursue me.
I ask the thugs what more they want from me or what they would like for me to do.
This poll was created on 2008-05-10 02:11:50 by kallas