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Evil Swiftdev Leprechaun

Raise of the Leprechaun`s

Are you a Leprechaun?

35% (14) Yes, and damn proud.
64% (25) No, never.

39 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been attacked by a Leprechaun?

35% (14) Yes i have that little twart.
20% (8) Well, i don`t know, he was to small to make a resemblance.
43% (17) Never, but i did got hit by a squirl.

39 voters have answered this question.

Where do Leprechauns come from?

56% (22) Irish pub.
7% (3) My back yard.
12% (5) From Aiko World.
23% (9) Dunno, from under my bed?

39 voters have answered this question.

Are you attracted to Leprechauns?

38% (15) O yes :D...
61% (24) Juck no.

39 voters have answered this question.

Do you think Don Vito has a bunch of Leprechauns hidden under his shirt?

66% (26) Yes that sticky bastard.
33% (13) No dont think so.

39 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever looked in a Leprechauns eye?

41% (16) Yes i did, i was very scared.
58% (23) No, i havent had the chance yet.

39 voters have answered this question.

Do you think George W. Bush sent Leprechauns to find Osama?

35% (14) Yes, and they found him, but Osama made Shish kebab out of them
35% (14) No i think George kept them to clean up his mess after the war.
28% (11) Who?

39 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever wondered why Leprechauns own so much gold?

35% (14) Because there evil little buggers.
17% (7) Because they get paid well.
46% (18) Because every time i turn around i see leprechauns running away with my money.

39 voters have answered this question.

How are drunk Leprechauns?

46% (18) Offensive
0% (0) Kind
15% (6) Attractive
38% (15) Funny

39 voters have answered this question.

Why are Leprechauns green?

25% (10) Because they sneeze allot.
33% (13) Because looking at the gold all they makes you green.
41% (16) Because they paint them selfs green.

39 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-05-26 22:55:27 by AikoWorld
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