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How men and women react to crying

I want to know how men and women feel about crying and how they react when they do
Male: Age range
> 40
Female: Age range
> 40
Male: What is the minimun requirement to be considered crying
Lump in throat
Watery eyes
Tears falling
Female: What is the minimun requirement to be considered crying
Lump in throat
Watery eyes
Tears falling
Male: Country of origin
Female: Country of origin
Male: On average, how often do you cry?
Once a week
Once a month
Once every few months
Once a year
Less than once a year
Female: On average, how often do you cry?
Once a week
Once a month
Once every few months
Once a year
Less than once a year
Male: On average, how long does your crying last?
Less than 5 min
5-15 min
16-30 min
31-60 min
More than 1 hour
Female: On average, how long does your crying last?
Less than 5 min
5-15 min
16-30 min
31-60 min
More than 1 hour
Male: which events or situations make you cry?
Female: which events or situations make you cry?
Male: are you embarrased about crying in front of others?
Yes, no matter who it is
Yes, except wife or parents
Yes, except family and close friends
No, except strangers
No, no matter who it is
Female: are you embarrased about crying in front of others?
Yes, no matter who it is
Yes, except husband or parents
Yes, except family and close friends
No, except strangers
No, no matter who it is
Male: when did you last cry?
Less than a day ago
About a week ago
About a month ago
Between one month and one year
More than a year ago
Female: when did you last cry?
Less than a day ago
About a week ago
About a month ago
Between one month and one year
More than one year ago
Male: why did you started to cry?
Female: why did you started to cry?
Male: How long did the crying last?
< 5 min
5-15 min
16-30 min
31-60 min
> 60 min
Female: How long did the crying last?
< 5 min
5-15 min
16-30 min
31-60 min
> 60 min
Male: What did you do when you started crying?
Stay where you were
Go somewhere else to be alone
Go find someone to cry to
Female: What did you do when you started crying?
Stay where you were
Go somewhere else to be alone
Go find someone to cry to
Male: Where were you last time you cried?
Female: Where were you last time you cried?
Male: How intense was your crying?
Lump in throat
Watery eyes
Tears falling down face
Female: How intense was your crying?
Lump in throat
Watery eyes
Tears rolling down cheeks(silently)
Male: If there were tears, how did you react?
Bury face in hands to hide tears
Wipe eyes so no tears fall
Wipe tears after they started rolling down face
Let tears fall down face unchecked
Female: If there were tears, how did you react?
Bury face in hands to hide tears
Wipe eyes so no tears fall
Wipe tears after they started rolling down cheeks
Let tears roll freely down cheeks
Male: How many persons were present when you last cried?
> 5
Female: How many persons were present when you last cried?
> 5
Male: Who was present when you were crying?
Female: Who was present when you were crying?
Male: How many tears do you shed when you cry?
None, watery eyes at most
One or two at most
A few
A steady flow
Tears stream from eyes as soon as I start crying
Female: How many tears do you shed when you cry?
None, watery eyes at most
One or two at most
A few
A steady flow
Tears stream down face as soon as I start crying
Male: On average, do you hide tears or cry openly?
Usually cover face to hide tears
Directly wipe eyes so no tears fall
Wipe eyes as soon as tears leave eyes
Wipe tears from face
Let tears roll down face unchecked
Female: On average, do you hide tears or cry openly?
Usually cover face to hide tears
Directly wipe eyes so no tears fall
Wipe eyes as soon as tears leave eyes
Wipe tears from face
Let tears roll down face unchecked
Male: What was the reaction of the person(s) to you crying? If there was nobody present in the option Nobody was present please describe the way you felt about crying
Pretended not to notice
Became angry
Got embarrassed
Did not know how to react
Console me verbally
Held me while I cried
He/She wiped the tears from my eyes
Became kinder or warmer
Stopped being nasty
Nobody was present
Female: What was the reaction of the person(s) when you started to cry? If nobody was present in the option Nobody was present describe the way you felt about crying please).
Pretended not to notice
Got angry
Got embarrassed
Did not know how to react
Consoled me verbally
Held me/hugged me while I cried
He/She wiped the tears streaking my cheeks
Became kinder towards me
stopped being nasty
Nobody was present
This poll was created on 2008-06-05 02:51:07 by Lover of Wisdom