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Spying on people bathing (version 2)

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This poll is about your experiences of watching other people in the shower / tub without them knowing about it. Do go to the message board and tell us if you were ever caught too!

Are you male or female?

75% (477) Male
24% (153) Female

630 voters have answered this question.


7% (49) <12
53% (337) 13-17
20% (133) 18-25
11% (73) 25-40
6% (42) 40+

634 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever spied on someone in the shower / tub without them knowing about it?

90% (568) Yes
9% (63) No

631 voters have answered this question.

For males: Which of the following have you spied on when they were bathing? (As in deliberately watching someone bathing without them knowing about it)

25% (125) Friend, male
28% (137) Friend, female
10% (52) Father
23% (115) Mother
16% (79) Brother
39% (189) Sister
5% (28) Uncle
15% (77) Aunt
12% (62) Cousin brother
21% (105) Cousin sister
8% (39) Other male relative
17% (83) Other female relative
10% (52) Neighbour, male, younger
10% (50) Neighbour, male, same age
7% (34) Neighbour, male, older
18% (91) Neighbour, female, younger
16% (81) Neighbour, female, same age
18% (90) Neighbour, female, older
11% (57) Stranger, male, younger
11% (54) Stranger, male, same age
10% (49) Stranger, male, older
12% (58) Stranger, female, younger
12% (62) Stranger, female, same age
14% (69) Stranger, female, older

483 voters have answered this question.

For females: Which of the following have you spied on when they were bathing? (As in deliberately watching someone bathing without them knowing about it)

44% (79) Friend, male
47% (84) Friend, female
26% (47) Father
22% (39) Mother
55% (98) Brother
44% (79) Sister
15% (27) Uncle
15% (27) Aunt
35% (62) Cousin brother
29% (52) Cousin sister
23% (42) Other male relative
22% (39) Other female relative
28% (51) Neighbour, male, younger
30% (54) Neighbour, male, same age
27% (48) Neighbour, male, older
27% (49) Neighbour, female, younger
26% (47) Neighbour, female, same age
22% (40) Neighbour, female, older
20% (36) Stranger, male, younger
21% (38) Stranger, male, same age
21% (38) Stranger, male, older
19% (34) Stranger, female, younger
21% (38) Stranger, female, same age
20% (37) Stranger, female, older

177 voters have answered this question.

How have you spied on people who were bathing?

35% (210) Door wasn't locked
42% (247) Door wasn't closed
40% (239) Looked thru window
30% (180) Looked thru keyhole
27% (159) Recorded on tape
36% (212) Looked thru other opening
28% (170) Peeped thru above or below the door

587 voters have answered this question.

Have you been caught spying on anyone who was bathing?

22% (136) Yes, we laughed it off
11% (67) Yes, I got into serious trouble
59% (358) No, I am to stealthy for that
6% (37) No, I have never spied on anyone bathing

598 voters have answered this question.

How often do you spy on someone bathing?

22% (136) Everyday
26% (161) Every week
10% (61) Once a month
20% (124) Several times a year
13% (80) Once a year
6% (37) Never

599 voters have answered this question.

Where did you spy on someone bathing?

82% (491) Home
48% (290) Someone else's home
34% (203) Swimming pool shower
35% (214) Locker room shower
21% (131) Hotel
15% (92) Dorm
12% (75) Other (please specify in the message board)

596 voters have answered this question.

Did you like this poll?

27% (159) It is the best!
64% (379) Yes, kind of
8% (49) No, it is perverted

587 voters have answered this question.

Will you share your experiences with everyone in the anonymous message board? Do tell us if you have ever been caught spying on someone...

100% (286) Yes

286 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-11-21 15:16:32 by QQ
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