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marriage age?

is there really a age that you can get married at? what are your thoughts on a age that you think people can get married at?
how old are you
28 or older
what age do you think people are ready for marriage
18 as long as their in love it doesn't matter how young
31 or older
have you seen a marriage last if they get married between 18 and 20?
i do alot!
only sometimes
nope, it never works
how long should a person be dating before getting married
atleast 3 months
atleast 6 months
atleast a year
2 years or more
3 years or more is really when you know you can get married
5 years. that way you know for sure
is money a really question when getting married?
no, as long as your in love, money is not a factor
as long as you have a little money to get some things paid off for
you should only go into marriage if your debt free
you should atleast have $10,000 saved up
you can go into marriage with a few thousand and you'll be fine
is money a really question when getting married?
no, as long as your in love, money is not a factor
as long as you have a little money to get some things paid off for
you should only go into marriage if your debt free
you should atleast have $10,000 saved up
you can go into marriage with a few thousand and you'll be fine
if your in a relationship, when can you see yourself getting married?
in a 6 months!
in a year
atleast 2 years
3 years or more
whats your overall belief about marriage
marriage is bad
marriage is good
marriage is only good if your parents pick out your spouse
This poll was created on 2008-07-09 14:45:01 by dino8908