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Psychological difference in crying males and females

How men and women feel when crying in front of others, what they do and how they feel about it. It is focused more on how they feel and how they see people's reaction to them crying.
Male: Age range
Female: Age range
Country of origin
Male: Would you rather be alone, or do you prefer to be with somebody when crying?
I prefer to be alone when crying
Only parents or partner, but still feel uncomfortable
Ok, but only if it is people very close to me
I like my girlfriend/wife to comfort me and dry my tears when crying
I like my parents with me when crying
I feel a little embarrassed when crying in front of strangers
I don't care who is present when I cry
Female: Would you rather be alone, or do you prefer to be with people when crying?
I prefer to be alone when crying
Only parents or boyfriend/husband, but still feel uncomfortable
Ok, but only if it is people very close to me
I like my boyfriend/husband to wipe my tears when I cry
I like my parents near me when crying
I feel a little embarrassed when crying in front of strangers
It doesn't bother me who sees me crying
Reason for last crying episode
Male: How long did the crying last?
< 5 min.
5-15 min.
16-30 min.
31-60 min.
> 60 min.
Over a recurring period (on and off during a time)
Female: How long was your crying?
Less than 5 minutes
More than 1 hour
Over a recurring period
Male: What did you do when you started to cry?
Stay in same place
Go somewhere to be alone
Go and find somebody to cry to
Go into bathroom so nobody noticed you crying
Female: What did you do when you started crying?
Stay where you were
Go somewhere to be alone
Go find someone to cry to
Run into bathroom so nobody sees your tears
Male: How intense was your crying?
Lump in throat
Watery eyes
Tears trickling my face
Female: How intense was your crying?
Lump in throat
Watery eyes
Tears streaking my cheeks
Male: What did you do when tears started to fall, if any?
No tears present
Bury face in hands to hide tears
Directly wipe eyes so no tears fall
Wipe tear drops from cheeks
Let tears stain my face unheeded
Female: What did you do when you felt tears in your eyes, in the case there were tears?
There were no tears
Bury face in hands to hide tears
Directly wipe eyes so no tears fall
Occasionally wipe tears from face
Allow tears to streak cheeks freely
Male: How many people were present?
> 5
Female: How many people were present?
More than 5
What is your relationship to the person(s) present(E.G. Friend, Mother, Daughter, etc.)
How did you feel about crying in front of people
Male: What was the reaction of the person(s) to you crying? If there was nobody present in the option Nobody was present please describe the way you felt about crying
Pretended not to notice
Became angry
Was embarrassed
Did not know how to react
Console verbally
He/she wiped tears from my face
Stopped being nasty
Nobody was present
Female: What was the reaction of the person(s) when you started to cry? If nobody was present in the option Nobody was present describe the way you felt about crying please).
Pretended not to notice
Became angry
Was ashamed
Did not know how to react
Console verbally
He/she wiped tear drops from my cheeks
Stopped being nasty
Nobody was present
How did you feel afterwards?
Male: Do you hide your tears or cry openly?
I usually cover my face to hide any tears
I directly wipe my eyes so no tears fall
Tears leave my eyes but I wipe them away immediately
I let tears fall down my face which I occasionaly wipe away
I usually let tears fall down my face unchecked
Female: Do you hide your tears or cry openly?
I usually cover my face to hide tears
I directly wipe my eyes so no tears fall down my face
Tears leave my eyes but I wipe them as soon as they start to fall
I let tears fall down my face which I occasionally wipe away
I let tears fall freely down my face
Male: How many tears do you shed when you cry?
I do not shed tears, wet eyes at most
Very wet eyes with perhaps one or two tears
Usually shed only a few tears
Usually cry a steady flow of tears
Tears stream from my eyes as soon as I start crying
Female: How many tears do you shed when you cry?
I do not shed tears, wet eyes at most
One or two tears at most
A few tears fall
I usually cry a steady flow of tears
Tears fall unabatedly down my cheeks as soon as I start crying
Where were you last time you cried?
Male: Crying characteristics
I make no sound when I cry
Very little sound, voice a bit shaky
Can't speak, breathing in gasps
I cry loudly, sobbing and body movements
Female: Crying characteristics
I make no sound when I cry
Very little sound, voice a bit shaky
Can't speak, breathing in gasps
I cry loudly, sobbing and body movements
This poll was created on 2008-07-23 02:21:40 by Lover of Wisdom