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What girls want in a guy- dating (girls only) guys see results

Im a guy and was wondering what girls want in guys as in looks personality and what needs to be to keep dating
how much do looks determine in if you date a guy?
Alot (75-100 %)
A mid amount (50-74%)
some (25-49%)
not much (0-24%)
In looks what determines how you think he looks (select multiple if applies)
How he dresses
Eyes/ face
good teethe/ bad teeth (braces)
what jewelry he wheres
hair style
on the subject of jewelry, what can he where
Ear- ring
leather wristband
Steel/ gold/ silver bracelet
alternate piercings aka nose- eyebrow lip ect
a guy you were dating decided to come home with an earing
Earing- im fine with it it looks good
hes gay- im breaking up
whateve - i dont like it but hes my man
a guy has an anklet- what do you think
gay- wont date him
looks good on him
doesent matter to me
What you want more?
a caring guy with a good personalty
an empty guy with money
A guy is shy, but you like him and he likes you, but he wont ask you out, you would
ask him out
wait for him to ask you out
forget him
If a Guy had a bad ascent, or a speech problime
i would not date him
dont matter
regarding hair-
I like his hair spiked and highlighted/ colored
i like it spiked
i like the hippie look (long hair)
Short hair
mid langthed
a guy has crooked teeth or braces
this is a turn off to me
whatever- it dont change him
i like him better for the braces/ crocked teeth
a guy who is kinda an idot in associating with pepole and dont know what to say or how to act- you would
date him, and help him fit in
date him but let him fend for himself
avoid him
your guy goes into a coma for 8 weeks after a bad car wreak, you been dating for 3 mounths you would
stand by him-
stand by- but date on the side- and not tell him when he comes through
dump him and go for another guy
stand by- but date on the side- and tell him what you did
your guy goes into a coma for 8 weeks after a bad car wreak, you been dating for 3 mounths you would
stand by him-
stand by- but date on the side- and not tell him when he comes through
dump him and go for another guy
stand by- but date on the side- and tell him what you did
what would most likly make you leave him
he changes his look
hes arogant
lose of job by him
if other explain brifly
how old are you
above 50
This poll was created on 2008-07-25 03:05:07 by kenneywallace