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Ok, I already made a poll on this subject, but i wanna change the questions so... This battle is aang vs naruto, here's a rundown of their abilities in this fight: Naruto: Naruto is post time skip, knows all of his rasengans, can summon his toad, has shadow clones, has his sexy jutsu, his transformation jutsu, substitution jutsu, and all his basic weapons including kunai, shuriken, and paper bombs, and string. He can use the kyuubi up to 4 tails, but only if he REALLY needs it. Aang: Aang is at book 3 level when he fought the firelord, he has control over all four elements, has his glider/staff, and can use the avatar state as a last resort, but he has control over it, and aang can take away powers like he did to the firelord. In this battle, Aang and Naruto don't know each other's abilities or each other's friends. The fight takes place where Aang fought the firelord in sozin's comet. P.S. I think aang would win
Ok, who would win between aang and naruto if they were trying to kill each other?
Are you serious? It's no contest, aang would pwn naruto anyday!
Ur kidding right? Naruto would murder aang, hands down, end of story.
Both would end up killing each other cuz they are so powerful.
Both would pass out from loss of power and the match would result in a tie.
Aang would win but is REALLY beat up
Naruto would win but is REALLY beat up
This poll was created on 2008-07-27 21:58:51 by sunkist9925