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what story here do u like best?

two of my true stores that changed my life asking what one do u like best me i am thankful to both for saving me and my cat . to find more true stories u can go to my true ghost website .

blue and mom once my mom after she had passed away came to me and saved my cat blue this is what happened we had been out at the hospital all the night before and that day and we had just got home finely knowing that hubbies mom was going to be ok we thought she mitt die thankfully she didn't but we were very tired and we went to bed for some rest our cat blue had been ill he drank bleach from our toilet and messed his tummy up. so we had been giving him herbal meds. that at that time had been helping but in the time we had been gone he hadn't got his med and we forgot it cause we were so tired that we just plopped into bed asleep in no time flat. i don't know how long i slept before this happened all i know is it happened . now i got to explain the way my mom was before we go on any further. my mom loved cats massively she was the cat lady now i'm the cat lady in the family so this is just like her to come back long enough to save a cats life especially one i love so much or loved so much he has passed away now from this and other illnesses he was never healthy after what happened i'm just happy he lived as long as he did and mom helped to make that happen i believe and so doe's my husband . but back to the story at hand. i heard in my head very loudly my name and get up now like she would have if she was scolding me as a kid well i jumped up quickly saying to myself yes mom then thinking but moms gone then my next thought was somethings wrong then i turn to my husband shaking him get up somethings wrong he says what i tell him what happened he's says we need to get up and look around then call the hospital to see if moms ok. so we get up open the door and there's blood everywhere from our door way to the small bedroom quite a distance cause there's another bedroom and a big bathroom down this hall to . we instantly know who's blood it was cause of him missing his med and we thought of that but this was so bad we had to call a vet take him to the vet and help him it was so severe . he got help and live all but a few months ago as i said before we loved him dearly and miss him a lot .

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gram-pa , heaven , save my life, oh my, well i was laving my soon to be ex husband and i had been packing in secret now my exs wasn't a mean man but when every i treed to leave him before he got a little odd with good reason i suppose after all i was leaving him. and the reason don't matter in this story all that does is that he was not going to handle this well as i thought he would and my dead gram-pa came to me when i was kinda in that not awake but yet not quite asleep stat of sleep i saw beside my bed a man in golden light i couldn't see him the light was to bright but he spoke to me in my head u must leave sooner than plained your husband he will kill u . then like a movie playing in my head i saw what would happen to me if i left the day i pained to leave . what i saw was me finishing pacing while he was at work waiting for my dad to come get me and take me where i was moving to . and my husband come home early my plain was to be out before he got home that day with a note left for him . so this time he couldn't stop me from leaving . well i saw us fighting then he pushed me then i fell on the bed in that room but i fell to close to the window intact through the window and my neck landed on a big shard of glass killing me instantly next i was shown that my ex not meaning to kill me couldn't deal with this and i saw him on the floor near the bed i believe dead as well . then he said to me go now . and i fully woke with a start and heart beating so heard i called all the p. that were helping me to get out and changed my plains for the next day . they had no prob. with it . latter that day my soon to be ex comes home to tell me his work days would be messed that u would not know when he would be home or at work i just shock with my mouth open he did not see this thankfully but to me it had showed me that my gram-pa was right and that i had made the right choice by taking my gram-pa morning at head . so we both live to tell the tale .

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This poll was created on 2008-08-05 05:25:22 by dreammom
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