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The Holdeman Poll
To what extent do you agree with Holdeman doctrines and practises?
I love the church and her doctrines
I have questions and/or doubts about some of them, but overall I agree with them
Overall I question many of them
How many generations has your family been part of the Holdeman church?
One generation (I joined from 'the world')
Two generations (parents joined 'from the world')
Three generations or more (grandparents are/were part of the Holdeman church)
Do you believe that the Holdeman church is the 'One True Visible Church'?
Not sure
Do you believe that the Holdeman church is in 'perfect unity'?
Not sure
What is your view of the 'panel/purge' movement in the 1970s?
It was a good and necessary thing
It was a good and necessary thing, but some people were unjustly and unfairly treated by the 'panel'
It would have been better if it had never occurred.
What is your opinion on the recent article written by Benny Giesbrecht in which he appears to distance himself from the 'unbroken lineage' theory that he promoted in his earlier book 'Keeping the Faith'?
It makes no difference to me
Benny now realises he initially got his history wrong and is trying to correct himself
Benny realises his theory doesn't stand up to scrutiny and is trying to save face and the 'unbroken lineage' theory
Within the next decade will there be a significant division in the Holdeman church between the more traditional congregations and the more liberal ones, possibly deep enough to cause a split between the two groups?
Not sure/don't know
Do you believe that excommunication and avoidance as officially taught by the Holdeman church is done in a biblical manner?
Not sure/don't know
What impact has reading Internet forums had on your beliefs and opinions?
No impact
Strengthened my belief in the Holdeman faith
Raised questions and doubts in my mind, but not to the extent that it has really changed my faith
Caused me to believe that the Holdeman church is simply one church among many others
Caused me to believe that the Holdeman church is in heresy when compared with the original teachings of the early Christian church
The power that the ministers and deacons have in the life of the conference and at the congregational level is:
The correct amount
Too great
Not strong enough
Which of the options below do you see as the most likely future for you?
I intend to remain a faithful member of the Holdeman church for the rest of my life
I will probably remain a faithful member of the Holdeman church for the rest of my life
I will probably choose to leave the Holdeman church
I will likely end up being excommunicated from the Holdeman church
I am already planning to leave the Holdeman church
This poll was created on 2008-08-13 16:30:20 by
Steven Thiessen
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