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The Holdeman Poll III

If you were placed in a position in which you were told to either renounce the Holdeman church (but were not required to renounce your faith in Christ) or face torture and execution, what would you do?
I would renounce the Holdeman church
Unsure/don't know
I would not renounce the Holdeman church
If you were placed in a position in which you were told to either renounce your faith in Christ or face torture and execution, what would you do?
I would renounce Christ.
Unsure/don't know
I would not renounce Christ.
If a fellow member was charged with a particular sin of which s/he was not guilty (and you were aware of their innocence) but the ministerial staff did not believe her/his claims of innocence and by speaking up it would be revealed that you were guilty of the sin which the other member was being charged with, what would you do?
Speak up and get your fellow member off the hook knowing that you yourself would get excommunicated.
Remain silent and hope that no one would find out what you had done.
Not sure/don't know.
Have you ever voted to expel a fellow member even when you believed they should not be expelled?
Have you ever spoken up in a members' meeting in which someone is about to be expelled (unfairly, in your opinion) and stated your views in support of the member under scrutiny?
Regarding the style of head coverings worn by Holdeman women: Do you believe that the current practise ('beanie' style for everyday and kerchief style for church occasions) should be maintained?
Not sure
If no, what should be the accepted practise?
'Beanie' for all occasions
Kerchief for all occasions
'Beanie' only for prayer and worship services
A woman's hair is her covering
Are you male or female?
Regarding the style of dress worn by Holdeman women: Do you believe that the current style (shirt-waist dress with strap or tie belt) should be maintained?
Not sure/don't know
If no, what style should be worn?
Do you believe that the arguably much stricter dress code for women, as compared to that for men, is fair and appropriate?
Not sure/don't know
If you are a man, if the required dress code for men was as visually different from mainstream society as that of the women, would you support changing the dress code to allow yourself and fellow brothers to blend in more public settings? (Be completely honest here!)
Not sure/don't know
This poll was created on 2008-08-14 20:50:00 by Steven Thiessen