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Dragon Ball Couples

Who belongs with who? (In your mind at least) Maybe you agree with canon couples and maybe you don't. Please ignore my annoying comments in (). I like to be rude. :D NONE of the pairings listed were made up by me. I've literally seen people write fanfics and draw fanart of these crazy pairings. It was frightening just listing some of them XD
Favorite Goku pairing?
Goku x Chichi (Yay!)
Goku x Bulma
Goku x Suno(Snow, Sno, etc)
Goku x Android 18 (Whut?)
Goku x Vegeta
Goku x Piccolo (I think I just died a little on the inside T^T)
Goku x No One
Other(You can answer in the next question)
I didn't see the couple I like for the question above. My fave is(it can be an OC):
Favorite Vegeta couple?
Vegeta x Bulma(Yay!)
Vegeta x Android 18(Bleh!)
Vegeta x Chichi (That would be scary... o_0)
Vegeta x Gohan
Vegeta x Goten( This is just getting weird...)
Vegeta x Goku
Vegeta x Nappa (lol)
Vegeta x Radditz
Vegeta x Mirai(Future) Trunks
Vegeta x Trunks
Vegeta x Himself (leik zomg totally my OTP)
Vegeta x No One
Other(You can answer in the next question)
I didn't see my favorite Vegeta couple above. My fave is:
Favorite Gohan pairings?
Gohan x Videl (Yes plz!)
Gohan x Erasa
Gohan x Angela
Gohan x M. Trunks
Gohan x Trunks (lol, I really like this one too :D)
Gohan x Goten
Gohan x No One
Other (You can answer in the next question)
Gohan x Piccolo (yick)
I didn't see my favorite Gohan pairing above. My fave is:
Favorite Trunks couple(s)?
Trunks x Android 18(ew)
Trunks x Gohan (:3)
Trunks x Goten (Even better!)
Trunks x Bra (I don't know why, but I like this pair)
Trunks x Pan (cute!)
Trunks x Marron
Trunks x Goku
Trunks x Vegeta
Trunks x Videl
Trunks x No One
Other(Answer in next question)
Trunks x Minnie May! (lol me! just kidding, just kidding. It's just a joke)
Trunks x 17(:3)
I didn't see my favorite Trunks couple above. My fave is:
Favorite Goten pairing?
Goten x Paresu/Valese (Aw, cute!)
Goten x Bra/Bulla (more awwww!)
Goten x Trunks (yays)
Goten x Marron
Goten x Gohan
Goten x No One
Other(Answer in next question)
My favorite Goten couple wasn't above. My Fave is:
Favorite Uub pairing?
Uub x Marron (Very cute)
Uub x Bra
Uub x Pan
Uub x Goten
Uub x Trunks
Uub x Goku (oh hell no! o_o)
Uub x No One
Other(Answer in next question)
I didn't see my favorite Uub pairing above. My fave is:
Favorite Yamcha couple(s)?
Yamcha x Bulma(aw)
Yamcha x Android 18
Yamcha x Maron(Krillin's ex)
Yamcha x Marron(Krillin's daughter)
Yamcha x Mai (cool)
Yamcha x Tenshinhan
Yamcha x Puar (You are a sick little person)
Yamcha x No One
Didn't see my favorite Yamcha couple above. My fave is:
Favorite Android 17 pairing(s)?
Android 17 x Android 18
17 x Trunks (hawt-ish)
17 x Bra/Bulla (cool XD )
17 x Marron
17 x Gohan
17 x Piccolo (bleh)
17 x No One
Didn't see my favorite 17 couple above. My fave is:
Since I didn't list the girls separately, list your favorite girl/girl pairings here.
Bulma x Chichi
Bulma x Videl
Bulma x Android 18
Chichi x Android 18
Android 18 x Videl
Bra/Bulla x Pan (adorable)
Bra/Bulla x Marron
Marron x Pan
Bulma x Mai
I don't like girl/girl pairings...
Didn't see my favorite above. My fave is:
..and here's a bunch I missed. Pick your faves.
Krillin x Android 18
Krillin x Maron(his ex, not his daughter)
Krillin x Marron(That's way creepy)
Krillin x Android 17
Zarbon x Frieza ( just the thought of it burns my eyes)
Brolly x Videl
All of those pairings are stupid! (yes, yes most are)
Did I miss any of your favorites? List them all here:
This poll was created on 2008-09-07 06:40:13 by Minnie May