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if you hate runescape look here

lets go over why u hate runescape
why do you hate runescape
bad grafix
lame character design
lose stuff when you die
mages use runes which cost too much
takes too long to level
everyone can see your level and will call you noob
costs money for the full game
too much spam
traveling takes too long
gotta go through a stupid tutorial when you know how to do everything
too many people asking for money
too many scammers
not a very secure password (one of the few mmorpgs that dont use ur email to secure ur password)
too tight chat filter
banned too easily
if u could change runescape, what would u do first?
better grafix
add mailing system
make it so it requires email (password more secure)
edit gameplay (change items, lvling speed, attack speed, ect.)
do u think rs is nerdy
depends on how much u play
its for 40 year old virgins that live with parents and eat a bucket of ice cream a day
would u play runescape if jagex actually did something good too runescape
This poll was created on 2008-10-04 21:02:14 by johnnyenglish