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Jewish Poll

Are you Jewish?

61% (34) Yes, why else would I be taking this poll?
5% (3) No, but I wish I was
32% (18) No, I just have a lot of time on my hands

55 voters have answered this question.

In 2000 I voted for

18% (10) Bush
16% (9) Gore
9% (5) Other
31% (17) Wasn't old enough to vote
0% (0) Chose not to vote
24% (13) I am not an American, and vote in a different country

54 voters have answered this question.

In 2004 I voted for

18% (10) Bush
24% (13) Kerry
7% (4) Other
26% (14) Wasn't old enough to vote
0% (0) Chose not to vote
22% (12) I am not an American, and vote in a different country

53 voters have answered this question.

In broad terms my Jewish affiliation is

18% (10) Orthodox
20% (11) Reform/Progressive
7% (4) Conservative
3% (2) Reconstructionist
10% (6) Unaffiliated
5% (3) Other
34% (19) I am not Jewish, but for some reason am contributing to this poll

55 voters have answered this question.

I live in

26% (14) New York/New Jersey
7% (4) California
5% (3) Northeast, not including New York/New Jersey
0% (0) Midwest, not including Chicago
5% (3) Chicago
11% (6) South, not including Florida
1% (1) Florida
7% (4) West/Northwest, not including California
24% (13) I live outside of America, but not in Israel
9% (5) I live in Israel

53 voters have answered this question.

In 2008 I intend to vote for

100% (29) Obama

29 voters have answered this question.

I am

27% (13) Pro-life, anti-choice
50% (24) Pro-choice
22% (11) Apathetic

48 voters have answered this question.

My opinion on abortion is

29% (14) Pro-life, anti-choice
52% (25) Pro-choice
18% (9) Apathetic

48 voters have answered this question.

My opinion on capital punishment is

17% (9) Pro, enthusiastically
17% (9) Pro, in many cases
31% (16) Pro, in select cases
29% (15) Con, in all cases
3% (2) Apathetic

51 voters have answered this question.

My age is

3% (2) under 13
23% (12) 13 to 18
28% (15) 19 to 25
19% (10) 26 to 40
19% (10) 41 to 60
5% (3) over 60

52 voters have answered this question.

My gender identity and sexual orientation are

10% (5) Female, heterosexual
64% (32) Male, heterosexual
0% (0) Female, homosexual
8% (4) Male, homosexual
0% (0) Female, bisexual
6% (3) Male, bisexual
6% (3) Transgender MTF
4% (2) Transgender FTM
2% (1) None of these

50 voters have answered this question.

The extent of my Hebrew knowledge is

15% (8) Fluent or near-fluent
19% (10) Intermediate, studying
5% (3) Can read but not understand
5% (3) Cannot read
5% (3) Used to know more but forgot
19% (10) Negligible Hebrew knowledge
27% (14) No Hebrew knowledge

51 voters have answered this question.

I would describe myself in the following ways... please choose as many as apply

44% (22) Jewish-American
34% (17) American-Jew
52% (26) American
18% (9) Israeli
28% (14) Zionist
42% (21) Liberal
24% (12) Conservative
18% (9) hawkish
16% (8) dovish
54% (27) well-educated
40% (20) happy
18% (9) clinically depressed
38% (19) optimist
22% (11) pessimist
36% (18) idealist
46% (23) realist
16% (8) artist
10% (5) athlete
36% (18) scholar

50 voters have answered this question.

I am able to converse in

98% (51) English
30% (16) Hebrew
17% (9) Yiddish
9% (5) Ladino
7% (4) Amharic
13% (7) Arabic
23% (12) Spanish
15% (8) French
15% (8) German
7% (4) Chinese

52 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-10-21 01:40:07 by quiddler
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