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Creationism in schools

How do you think we should teach students about man's origins?

64% (171) Evolution but no creationism (Intelligent Design), because there shouldn't be religion in schools
21% (58) Both Evolution and creationism since both are theories.
11% (31) Creationism only, because evolution cannot be true.
1% (5) unsure

265 voters have answered this question.

One case with the Dover school board banned Intelligent design from schools because it is religious. Do you agree or disagree with this?

64% (172) Yes, they made the correct decision. Intelligent Design is creationism and shouldn't be taught in schools
28% (76) No, They made a bad choice, and ID should be allowed in schools.
6% (17) unsure

265 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-11-01 00:08:05 by Cdoon
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