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Obama as 44th President

How do you feel about the election of Barack Obama as our 44th president?
I'm overjoyed at this!
I'm pretty happy about it.
Eh, it's cool, but not THAT cool.
I'm somewhat upset about it.
I'm shocked and angered that he won.
no opinion
How do you think he will lead right now?
HE will lead our nation to greatness.
He'll make us better than we have been recently
He won't change to much
He'll make the country slightly worse
He'll doom our country!
For McCain supporters and Independant supporters, Do you think Obama is...
A terrorist in disguise
a muslim
the anti-christ
a socialist
an idiot
An evil man
None of the Above
How do you feel about the democratic majority in both the house and senate?
I think it's great! Maybe we can finely get something done!
I think it's pretty good, should help our country.
eh, no opinion either way
It's was unfortunate, but not the end of the world
It was a tragic loss and will lead to the downfall of this country!
You are a...
third party member
This poll was created on 2008-11-06 02:10:30 by Cdoon