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Girls, Underarms, Tickling, and feeling naughty ;)

Here is a poll that gets to the truth behind tickling, and the excitement it causes. There are NO feet questions so sorry, foot people.
Please state your sex
Straight Male
Gay Male
Straight Female
Gay Female
Your age range
Under 13
13 to 15
16 to 18
19 to 21
22 to 30
31 to 40
41 +
What were your earliest thoughts about being tickled? (Check all that apply)
It was scary and I hated it
It was scary but I loved it
It made me feel uncomfortable or weird
I liked it because it was fun
I liked it because it was exciting in ways I could not understand at the time
I thought it was weird t have people touching me that way
I hated to have my arms pinned over my head
I found having my arms pinned over my head to be extremely exciting
Girls Only: When I was tickled, people tickled my armpits...
Any time they wanted to tickle me
Most of the time they tickled me
Half the time they tickled me
Less than half the time they tickled me
Girls only: If you were the tickler, you tickled the person's armpits...
All the time
Most of the time you tickled them
Half the time you tickled them
Less than half the time you tickled them
Males only: When you were the tickler, you tickled the person's armpits...
All the time
Most of the time you tickled them
Half the time you tickled them
Less than half the time you tickled them
Under age 13, who were you tickled by the most?
Relative like an Uncle or Aunt or Cousin
Male friends
Female Friends
In your teen years, who tickled you the most?
Relative like an Uncle, Aunt or Cousin
Male friends
Female friends
Do you find being tickled sexually exciting?
Never thought about it/Undecided
If Yes, at what age did it start to be sexually exciting? Check all that apply
Under 13
13 to 15
16 to 18
19 to 21
22 to 30
31 to 40
After 40
Besides it feeling ticklish, does being tickled under your arms turn you on as well?
Yes, Definitely
Yes, Sometimes
Undecided or never tested
Do you ever wear certain kinds of clothes to entice people (whether they are a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse or strangers) to tickle you? If so, what kind? Check all that apply
A tank top or sleeveless top
A sleeveless dress
A belly-baring top
A bathing suit
If you answered the previous question, did it work? Did that person(s) tickle you?
Yes it worked
No, they never touched me
What did they do? Check all that apply
They tickled my armpit(s)
They tickled my arm(s)
They tickled my sides
They tickled my tummy
They tickled my bellybutton
They tickled my waist
Do people get turned on when they tickle you?
Yes definitely
Yes Sometimes
Not sure
Were you ever or are you now attracted to people who wear any of the following items and want to tickle them. Check all that apply
tank top or sleeveless top
A sleeveless dress
A belly baring top
A bathing suit
What area of their body are you attracted to tickle? Check all that apply
Their arms
Their armpits
Their sides
Their tummy
Their bellybutton
Their waist
Is it sexually a turn on?
Yes, all the time
Yes, sometimes
Not sure
Please start a discussion in the Messages Forum. It will be a good way for people to express their desires in a healthy, safe way. If anyone says they want to meet you and try out these fantasies I highly recommend that you get to know the person very well first and only meet in a public place. Of course, if you are chatting with an underage person with the hopes of meeting them and you are past 18 you should know better. It's not legal. Lastly, should I continue this poll?
Definitely, this is an exciting and fascinating subject
Possibly, we might have covered everything in this poll
Maybe we said all there is to say
This poll was created on 2008-11-12 05:42:54 by Alexdude