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Who's Smarter? George W. Bush or Sarah Palin.

Who do you think is smarter George W. Bush or Sarah Palin? Plus other political questions.
Who's smarter George W. Bush or Sarah Palin?
George W. Bush
Sarah Palin
Who's smarter Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton?
Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton
Who's smarter Barack Obama or John McCain?
Barack Obama
John McCain
Joe the Plumber has stated that he might run for congress, so who would you vote for if these were the canidates?
Joe the Plumber
Potato Chip
Paris Hilton
Brad Pitt
Jennifer Aniston
Michael Jordan
Sarah Palin
Donald Trump
Vanessa Hudgens
Warren Buffett
Hillary Clinton
Vince McMahon
Elizabeth Hasselbeck
This poll was created on 2008-11-15 22:28:27 by survivor&lostfan