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Teen boy private questions

FOR TEEN BOYS ONLY 12 to 18 years old. I am an 13 yo boy and I am making a report for my school about teen boys and what they think and like. Pleas only teen boys answers!
Your age is?
What do you wear in bed when you sleep?
Any siblings?
Do you share room?
Do you have brother(s) or sister(s)?
younger brother(s)
younger sister(s)
older brother(s)
older sisters(s)
How old is brother(s) and/or sister(s)?
What country do you live in?
Your sexual preferences?
Dont know
Have you ever seen your siblings naked?
Yes, younger brother
Yes, older brother
Yes, younger sister
Yes, older sister
No, never
If you did see any of them naked, did it turn you on?
Yes alot
Not at all
Did you ever had a crush on a boy in your family or a friend? If yes, then who and how old is he?
If yes, have you had sex with the boy?
Yes, but I regret it
No, but I would love to
Write what turns you on about this boy:
Does anyone know about your "thing"? Tell me who knows or why you keep it as a secret.
You can write to me at 95madsen@live.dk if you got any related things you want me to know, or if you want to ask me anything.
This poll was created on 2008-11-21 21:07:33 by nikeboy