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Short Soccer Survey

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Just a poll concerning the world's most entertaining and intense game- How importaint is it to you?

What gender are you?

75% (193) Male
24% (63) Female

256 voters have answered this question.

What age?

13% (34) Under 13
57% (146) 13-17
19% (51) 18-29
6% (16) 30-39
3% (9) Over 40

256 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following areas best describes your home?

14% (37) Rural
37% (95) Sub-urban
36% (93) Urban
12% (31) Other

256 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever played soccer on a team?

12% (32) Yea, but I was like 7 or something
80% (207) yes, soccer rules!
6% (17) No, never wanted to

256 voters have answered this question.

Is soccer an important sport, as far a culture is concerned, world-wide?

94% (242) Yes
5% (14) No

256 voters have answered this question.

How often do you watch televised soccer games?

6% (16) Never
5% (15) Rarely
8% (22) Ocasionally
17% (45) Sometimes
27% (70) Often
34% (88) Always

256 voters have answered this question.

Who you favorite soccer player today?

2% (5) Karina LeBlanc
0% (1) Jaclyn Raveia
2% (5) Brian Alvero
0% (2) Dewan Bader
1% (4) David Bascome
1% (3) Raymond Goodlett
1% (3) Scott Henderson
0% (1) Jim Hesch
1% (4) Brian Hinkey
0% (2) Kevin Jeffrey
1% (4) Jamel Mitchell
3% (7) Rodney Rambo
1% (4) Wendell Regis
3% (7) Carlos Rocha
1% (3) Gregory Simmonds
1% (3) Carlton Williams
1% (3) Mike Williams
0% (2) Zach Ibsen
88% (202) Other(s)

228 voters have answered this question.

A little bit random- Do you plan to view this poll's results?

71% (184) Yes
8% (21) No
19% (51) Maybe

256 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-01-30 04:22:03 by BigMeanBeano
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