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favorite south park character

Choose as many as you want. :)

Favorite character

18% (77) Stan Marsh
19% (80) Kyle Broflovski
40% (168) Eric Cartman
28% (119) Kenny McCormick
36% (148) Butters Stotch
4% (20) Wendy Testaburger
2% (12) Bebe Stevens
5% (23) Clyde Donovan
7% (31) Craig Tucker
6% (26) Jimmy Vulmer
3% (13) Pip Pirrup
6% (26) Timmy
2% (11) Token Black
6% (28) Tweek Tweak
7% (31) Mr. Garrison and Mr. Hat
6% (27) *New* (Added Jan 8, 2009) Mr. Mackey (mmkay guy)
7% (31) Chef
24% (101) Randy Marsh
7% (29) Towelie
1% (8) Big Gay Al
1% (8) Jimbo
0% (3) Ned
1% (6) Kyle Schwartz
8% (34) Ike
4% (17) Terrance and Phillip
4% (19) The goth kids
1% (6) Damien
2% (9) The Mayor of South Park
4% (18) Officer Barbrady
3% (14) *New* (Added Jan 9, 09) The red headed guy that's the head of police. (The name escapes me. He was in the christian rock hard and meet the jeffersons episode.) Please let me know what the name of that guy was.
1% (6) *New* (Added Jan 25,09) Al Gore
3% (15) other

411 voters have answered this question.

do you like south park?

99% (379) yes
0% (3) no

382 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-12-21 21:12:34 by Kurama's Rose
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