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This poll ain't for the non-gamer, rather anyone interested in Rifts® and other Palladium® systems

What game book do you like the best

36% (24) Rifts®
10% (7) Palladium® Fantasy™
12% (8) Heroes Unlimited™/TMNT™
1% (1) Nightbane™
3% (2) Systems Failure™ (new)
1% (1) Beyond the Supernatural™
33% (22) Other.

65 voters have answered this question.

How often do you game?

40% (25) Not Enough
14% (9) More than once per day
19% (12) Daily - once a week
8% (5) Every week or two weeks
4% (3) Between every other week to every month
3% (2) Once a month or more
9% (6) Don't currently game/never gamed.

62 voters have answered this question.

How often do you want to game?

14% (9) Not Enough (Every second)
13% (8) Every Second - Every day
37% (23) Once a day - Once a week
19% (12) Once a week - Every other week
8% (5) Every 2 weeks - Every month
1% (1) Every month or longer
4% (3) I don't want to.

61 voters have answered this question.

Click this question if you're proud to be a gamer

100% (55) I'm proud to be a gamer.

55 voters have answered this question.

Does your GM (or do you if you are) use multiple books

16% (10) Never
22% (13) Only if it's the same series (i.e. Rifts® World books in Rifts®)
61% (36) Often and/or Always

59 voters have answered this question.

Rifts® mega-damage™: Do you like it or use it?

36% (21) Yes, it's cool
12% (7) What's mega-damage™
15% (9) Depends on the situation
8% (5) Avoid it when possible
27% (16) Never

58 voters have answered this question.

Do you play more than one system (i.e. Deadlands® and any Palladium® game)

50% (28) Yes
21% (12) No
28% (16) Sometimes

56 voters have answered this question.

Do you read any game material not related to the game (i.e. Knights of the Dinner Table®)

61% (34) Yes
38% (21) No

55 voters have answered this question.

Are you a player or a GM

21% (12) Players... they rock!!!!!
8% (5) GM... They're AWESOME!!!!!
70% (40) Both, depends on the situation

57 voters have answered this question.

Do you like to be a player or a GM

54% (31) Players... they RULE!
26% (15) GM... they are the BEST!
19% (11) Never tried both

57 voters have answered this question.

Creating Characters: Which of the following describes your favorite character or most commonly created character

6% (7) Non-human (animal related)
16% (18) Non-human (Fantasy™ related)
8% (9) Non-human (D-bee™ related)
17% (19) Magics
12% (13) Psionics™
8% (9) Power armor or robots
11% (12) Cybernetics™
12% (13) Mutations
7% (8) Munchkin

108 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following do you dislike?

11% (13) Mega-damage™
2% (3) Non-human (any)
5% (6) Magics
6% (7) Psionics™
10% (11) Mutations
7% (8) Rifts®
11% (13) Cybernetics™
9% (10) Power armor/robots
21% (23) Coalition States™
13% (15) Other not mentioned

109 voters have answered this question.

Does your game play with house rules?

77% (45) Yes, definately
22% (13) No

58 voters have answered this question.

Have you created any derivative works (i.e. modify a rule or create an O.C.C™) whether you submit it formally or for personal reasons?

76% (43) Yes
23% (13) No

56 voters have answered this question.

Which environment is your favorite setting to play in?

38% (21) Fantasy
5% (3) Space
38% (21) Future
5% (3) Present
3% (2) Past
9% (5) Other/unreal world (Please send comments...)

55 voters have answered this question.

How do you best handle gamer withdrawls?

7% (4) I actually get out and work
9% (5) Rent a bunch of porno videos
9% (5) Try some live-action
22% (12) Find another game group or game activity.
9% (5) Get Drunk
7% (4) Find a girl/boy friend
9% (5) Other symptoms (specify)
24% (13) Never had those (or else i'm lying)

53 voters have answered this question.

When you roll up a character, what do you think is vital? (check all that apply)

18% (33) Attributes
18% (34) Skills
12% (22) Hit points, SDC, ISP and PPE
9% (17) Hand to Hand bonuses
9% (17) Equipment, Weapons, or vehicles
7% (14) Saving Throws
9% (17) Money
10% (19) Spells or Psionics
4% (9) Other (Please put in the forum)

182 voters have answered this question.

What is your favorite Palladium Race to play?

20% (12) Human
8% (5) Animal
5% (3) Mutant
13% (8) D-Bee
6% (4) Juicer
31% (18) Ancient (elf, dwarf, any from Fantasy)
13% (8) Other

58 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2000-05-21 01:35:30 by xception_2001
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