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ROCK vs Rap vs pop

Looking for the old results?
the three main types of music

Who do you prefer

85% (261) Foofighters
8% (27) So Solid Crewe
5% (18) Boyzone

306 voters have answered this question.

Who is the biggest legend in the music industury

54% (181) Kurt Cobain(Nirvana)
13% (46) Tupac
32% (107) Michael Jackson

334 voters have answered this question.

Who is the best icon in music today

58% (185) Chester Bennington(Linkin Park)
31% (100) Eminem
9% (29) Justin Timberlake

314 voters have answered this question.

Being what,requires more talent

79% (268) A ROCK star
13% (45) A Rap artist
6% (23) A pop icon

336 voters have answered this question.

Does it matter when pop stars dont write their own music,dont play their own instruments or mime on stage

79% (258) Definatly-they get too much credit
9% (31) I suppose
7% (24) Not really
3% (12) No way-star quality is more important than talent

325 voters have answered this question.

Which makes the better combination

32% (107) ROCK n Rap
14% (49) ROCK n pop
8% (28) Rap n pop
44% (150) They should never mix to start with

334 voters have answered this question.


77% (270) ROCK
13% (46) Rap
9% (32) pop

348 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-04-25 21:50:13 by R+M
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